...yes, I know, I know, Ginger, I've most likely gone bonkers... BUT... announcing the NEW mega-gonzo-uber-ultra-super-duper feature for Gingerology, which SHOULD (in theory, anyway) prove to be a pretty nice resource for all you Gingerologists out there (as well as helping out with some 'order' regarding all things Ginger)...
What's the feature? Well, check out the new list of GingerFilms on the right-hand side (Ginger Rogers Filmography)... yeah, most of us know those backwards and forwards... BUT, howzabout THIS: click on one of the films...any one you like... AAANNNDDD, presto! You are re-routed, by what we call in the technical world as a 'link', to another blog...JUST for that particular GingerFilm! So...does that mean that Huey has actually set up 70+ blogs? Ummmm....yep, that's what that means, y'all.... (FYI - you can actually 'have' up to 100 blogs set up...so, have at it!).
NOW, I know what y'all are thinking... "...it's really sad about ol' huey...he held it together there for awhile, but now he's at least one sandwich short of a picnic... wonder where they took him off to?" ...or, at least, "Hey...this is pretty cool, but...why do we need a separate blog for EACH GingerFilm?"
Well, howzabout THIS: this is ultimately a way of 'backup', 'archiving', 'file storage', however you want it... AND, it DOES allow for a 'proper' record for each of these films, many of which are engrained in us, while others, not so much... but ALL of them get a home, nevertheless...
As for 'posting', don't be looking for a heap on these sites...in fact, the 'home base' of Gingerology will ALWAYS be the source for 'all things Ginger'... BUT, any post involving a specific film WILL be 'archived' in the correlating blog, for (hopefully) easy access. Additionally, they'll be gobs of pics, music clips, video clips, reviews from all around, and whatever else shows up regarding the film in question...so it should be a pretty nice system.
As for 'updating'...I'll put a date by each of the films on the list...guess I need to go do that now... as well as 'noting' at the top of Gingerology when a particular GingerFilmBlog (GFB for short...) has been 'updated'...hopefully it will keep you (and me) up to date with everything.
NOW, as for the content...yeah, I have a fair idea of how to arrange each blog, BUT...ANY suggestions are MORE than welcome from y'all...since this deal is as much for y'all as yours truly... no, REALLY! :-)
I'll be 'setting up' each of these blogs over the next few weeks... for
example, I have the 'background pics' set for quite a few...some I'm not
as happy with (thus will probably change), some I am (the one for '42nd
Street, for example...perFECT!!!)...but many other 'features' will be added over the sands of time, of course.
Well, heck...THIS has been a long dissertation - my wrists are sore...hope that 'carport tunnel' isn't setting in... oof.
Hope y'all are having a Gingeriffic Weekend!
My apartment bedroom
4 weeks ago
Huey....this is crazy....but a GOOD crazy! What an idea! Each blog can be a 'discussion place' for each film in their own right!
Well, thanks for the 'vote of confidence'...I just hope I can get them all set up 'properly'... in theory, shouldn't be TOO hard, but a bit time-consuming... so, the reviews may be on 'back-burner' for a bit...but they WILL continue...that's one of the big reasons I did this 'blogfile' setup...
ReplyDeleteThanks again - and KIG, Ron!
If ya need any help just holler, i think its a great idea!!
ReplyDeletethanks, Kat! I think it's gonna work out...but, ANY help will be GREATLY appreciated! - So feel free to toss out any info you may have for ANY of these... e-mail me, whatever....the goal is to have 'through blogs for each film... of course, some will be more 'intense' than others... sorting out pics, and of course I am going to set up songs for each blog...come heck or high water... and clips from YouTube... so it should be an interesting 'data retrieval' network... as for the present, I'm just getting pics for the 'blog headers'...some are pretty cool, others WOULD be cool, but the pic is too small...so I'm going to just get 'actual screen caps' from each movie...unless there's not enough to 'draw from'...such as 'Honor Among Lovers'...and of course 'HCG'...for those, I'll just go with the 'pub stills'...
ReplyDeleteBut it definitely 'entrenches' me in the field of Gingerology for some time to come... and the trouble with that is???? NADA!!! :-)
COOL! A great idea!!! Now if someone googles one of the movies, your corresponding blog should show up in the results. I already clicked on a bunch of the links wondering what picture I would find. Biggest surprise was that you didn't pick "We're in the Money" for Gold Diggers :) It will be fun to watch as these develop.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, can't wait for the different blogs to get going!
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you need any help, and you can also use pics from my blog if you want. Which there are a lot!!! ;)
Lady F: hopefully that will be a nice 'benefit' to all of these...of course, I need to put a 'backlink' to G-ology on all of these...see, THAT'S the rub with these...ya gotta do it 70+ times, not just a couple...oof. But I look at the Ginger pics and realize it's not that bad of a problem :-)
ReplyDelete...and, as for the 'backgrounds', I'm aiming for the 'non-obvious, yet pretty cool' to a point (for example, check 'The Tenderfoot' pic...pretty awesome for a screen cap!) ...although '33 should be a 'money' cap, ultimately... but I DO dig Ginger in that photo... I just think it was more than a bit weird she was after Kibbee in both '33 AND 42nd... oh well.
GF11 - Well, thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm gonna need all the support I can get on this! But seriously, it should be pretty fun... and yes, I have this sneaky suspicion that just a FEW of the pics you roll out will make their way into the proper files...actually, I need to 'sort' more of the ones I have - to make sure they get in the right blog...
Thanks again, y'all!
This idea is very very cool! You'll create a super archive. It seems like a monumental task but I have every confidence in you :) Is there anyway to go from one blog to another without popping back to link from Gingerology?... not that this isn't THE place to be or anything.
...well, I've got to figure out SOMe way to 'inter-connect' all of these... at LEAST need to put a 'back-link' to gingerology on all of them, for folks who just 'stumbleupon' one of the filmblogs, and want to 'find out more' about Ginger... but if there was some way to 'copy/paste' the list with links, it would be great... otherwise, not sure if I'm going to be able to replicate the list 70+ times linking each movie...oof.
DeleteThanks for the vote of confidence, erosenplatt!! It may take a bit, but hopefully these will build up to something pretty significant.
edit - Lady F: ...actually, I meant to say check out the 'You Said A Mouthful' pic...awesome! ...but, after checking, The Tenderfoot is pretty dang sweet as well! :-]
ReplyDeleteAgreed! You Said a Mouthful screenshot is lovely.
ReplyDeleteYou missed this possibility for Star of Midnight.....
nice! This is one that needs 'reverse image' to get Ginger out of the way of the title...I don't really care if Willy is in the title (altho he IS one of my fave actors...) ...really, these are 'subject to change', especially the ones I haven't reviewed yet (i.e., the ones I haven't gone over with a fine-toothed comb yet...)
DeleteThanks for the shot...it WILL get some airplay...
Hey, Huey, you skipped In Person. I took the liberty to take a screenshot for you....
...er, maybe so, maybe not... this one WOULD fit pretty well... I have to get ginger on the right-hand side of things...hey, is there any way to 'reverse' the image? I'm SURE there is... 'ol Huey just don't KNOW about it, y'all... :-]
Delete...BTW, check out 5th Ave Girl...it may be my fave so far... I really think the 'Bachelor Ma' - 5th Ave Girl' time frame is just the penultimate Ginger to me... of course, ANY Ginger is awesome, but... Ginger in her late 20s is just off tha HOOK... :-]
Hey there is a way to flip a pic.
ReplyDeleteIf you have windows, there should be the program already installed called Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Here you can fix, edit, and also reverse pictures.
Hope that helps. ;)
I'll check it out...that's what I use to crop the screen caps...just haven't 'explored' it enough yet, I reckon!
DeleteThanks, GF! Hey, are you outta school yet? Hope so... :-]
I had the Star of Midnight screenshot on photobucket. Then I clicked on "edit" under the picture, went to the full edit, which mirrors the photoshop layout. Then image>rotate canvas 180. Then flip canvas vertically and VOILA....
You can do the exact same thing with Microsoft Office Picture Manager as Gingerfan suggested, photoshop, and most any other photo editor.
I hope you know that I was kidding about those pictures as possibilities to head its movie blog. I'm like you in that I enjoy getting screen caps, particularly "interesting ones" like this one from Primrose Path...
and of course the classic Vivacious Lady shot....
Since I'm also a big William Powell fan, I managed to get an "interesting" one of him, too....
Love the Primrose Path pic...just something strangely intriguing about Ginger wielding a knife...oddly enough, she does that in 5th Ave as well...
DeleteGood to know these babies can be reversed... there's a few I had that would be perfect, if only 'flipped'. The only 'potential hiccup' regarding that is, I don't want to put TOO many of those out there, to give folks erroneous images...ya know, Ginger's 'birthmark/mole' has gotta be on the correct side, right? Always thought it was interesting that the pic of her on the back of her bio had the pic 'reversed'...yeah, the 'mark' is backwards...
Thanks for the info...actually, the 'kicking' pic seems better that way, anyway...???
OOPS! I forgot to comment on the Fifth Avenue Girl pic. Indeed that's a keeper. I love the look on Ginger's face. It reminds me of one of the screenshots I took of Bachelor Mother...
ReplyDeleteBachelor Mother screenshot
yep...I really think its how she lightened her eyebrows in this time frame that does it for me...not sure why THAT is a big deal, but...it must be...she ROCKS in those late 30's films! Awesome cap on Bachelor Ma! Ya know, after 'Upper World', the reviews are gonna get pretty intense, with Divorcee next on the docket...I'm not sure HOW ya quantify GandF films with her solo efforts... ranking, anyway...
DeleteWell, KIG, Lady F!!! Have a Gingeriffic weekend!
ALMOST out of school. After this 3-day weekend, I only have 3 days left. Finals in my classes is what is dragging it on.
ReplyDeleteAlready got two final exams down, now need four left, and I'll be done! :D
Also from your post above this, can't wait to see your Upper World film review. Of course we all know what happens to Ginger in that one.....
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete...good to hear you are wrapping up, Arianna! You will kill those finals...
ReplyDelete...as for the review of 'UW', yeah, I'll throw a 'spoiler alert' tag at the top of it, but I think most of the folks here know ginger's fate in that one...
Have a VERY Gingery weekend, Arianna!!!