



Next GingerFilm(s) (on TCM - all times Eastern):


Saturday, March 24, 2012

...the Official "Gingerology Post regarding Monte's Favorite Classic Movie Actress Tournament on the Mythical Monkey blog"

...OK, well, first off, we have the longest post title in Gingerology history...

Second - thanks again for all who partook in the voting for Ginger... awesome to see our girl propelled to victory! 
When I was informed of this great contest by our fellow Gingerologist AND Caroleologist, VP81955, I noticed that Ginger was actually behind by 20 or so points to her VERY worthy opponent, Miss Irene Dunne. Well, I thought, I can vote on each of the computers I have access to (that's five), as well as on any smartphones lying around (that's two more)... done, done, done, done, done, done, and....DONE.

Of course, I had to also inform all of Y'ALL about this, as I figured it should garner some additional Ginger votes... and GingerFan11 also posted on her impeccable site regarding the contest, so... we hoped that fellow Gingerologists would get the message and vote... looks to me like y'all did just that.

Now, about those 'accusations'...
...well, in this day and age, folks can purt near figure out how to circumvent any system and weigh it to their advantage... but, something tells me this wasn't the case here...


Well...here's why, I believe...

Saturday generally is the most active blog day, it appears from past statistics... it's when most bloggers catch up on the week's proceedings. So, it's not too far-fetched that a lot of fellow Gingerologists dropped by, and made the jump over to MM to add their vote. I mentioned a few times that traffic on G-ology the past few days has been almost double the usual, so if only a fraction of those hits proceeded to vote, there's your majority.
I know, I know, one can never PROVE that 'ballot box stuffing' didn't take place...but, even if someone DID figure out how to do that, it's obvious they are card-carrying Gingerologists, right? But, if there WAS any shenanigans, let's put the kibosh on that...we should be able to win 'straight up' with Ginger as our candidate!

Moving forward, now that we are all totally aware of this contest, we can redouble our efforts and push Ginger all the way to the crown!

Stay in touch with the proceedings... and VOTE GINGER!!!!



  1. Hey, I'm posting a comment to see if it works.


  2. Thanks, GF!! - it does indeed work... I'm going to post something here soon - well, probably tomorrow - regarding this whole deal... nothing specific, just the 'new policy' in effect...

    thanks again, and I will INDEED...Keep it GINGERY!!!



Awards...Thanks, Y'all!!!

...I TRULY appreciate these, and the kind words regarding this blog...thanks for all the inspiration I have drawn from each of your blog sites, which are all awesome in their unique ways!!!
It is my hope that I can continue to make 'G-ology' interesting and informative regarding the 'Beautiful Science' of VKM, which is SUCH a great topic!!! ...And remember, your comments are what make Gingerology click - so keep cranking them out!

Thanks again, JW

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10
Thanks, Gingerella and Sally!!!

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09
Thanks, AC!!!

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10
Thanks, Maggie and Kate Gabrielle!!!

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11
Thanks, Camille and Anna!!!

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018
...including the Gingerology entry of 'Gold Diggers of 1933'...