...Ginger over the net is always a nice image!!!
Well, FIRST, everything in my town is well under the 'cleanout and recovery/rebuild' mode, which is good to see, but of course sad as well in that so many houses that were here are now...just vacant lots. Thanks again to all of y'all for keeping the area in thoughts and prayers...there's still quite a ways to go for folks here, and in many other places.
NOW, as for Gingerology...dang, it's been a while! Not sure what has been eating into my 'G-ology' time, but will definitely make up for it over the next few days...I've been thinking of quite a few topics and features to spring on y'all, so get ready...hope it will be fun for y'all!
As for 'blogger', well, heck...it's changed... think I know the issue - I 'updated' Internet Explorer, and it appears that the Blogger Post Editor does not 'support' it or whatever... so now I am on FireFox, which is recommended by the blogger gurus...heck, y'all may be all using that anyway... the 'preview' of this post looks ok, but will it be in the 'classic G-ology' style? We shall soon see... if not, well, I'll figure it out, I reckon...
OK, enough tech jibber-jabber... I came home one afternoon to see this pic on the table in an OLD People Magazine (I did the 'cropping' with 'Paint' in the most archaic way imaginable...I guess I need to get into Photoshop, eh?):

It was the 1995 'Tribute' section of their 'year-end' issue - sad, but I'm happy to have it - it was from my mom's stash of old mags - she used to subscribe to People - now she says "I don't KNOW any of the new people in People!" :-]
Anyway, it was interesting (and again, sad) to see all the other folks who died in 1995, including - Mickey Mantle, Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched), Howard Cosell (of Monday Night Football fame), Eva Gabor, Jerry Garcia (BTW, 'Cherry Garcia' is MY fave ice cream flavor! :-] ), Lana Turner, Burl Ives (Holly-Jolly Christmas), Wolfman Jack, and last but certainly not least, Ida Lupino.
Kinda neat to read what Mickey said about Ginger...kind of interesting they never teamed up on anything - that would have probably been a hoot!
Well, I'm just glad that I have been able to 'post' on here...not sure WHAT will happen with the movie reviews...speaking of which, guess we were at a pretty good 'stopping point' with Hat Check Girl...I will probably just shoot out the 'specs' for HCG, but of course, no review... and then on to the next one as usual.
OK - again, I am ready for more posting - there's lots of stuff and ideas rattling around in my noggin, so get ready, y'all...it IS GingerTennial, after all...
first, I suggest you skip over HCG for now....come back to it when it comes in. We understand.
ReplyDeletesecond, look what Debbie Reynolds has for sale... http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/9297829
When I get a chance, I'll scan Ginger's EW obit...done the week Sandy Bullock broke out with While You Were Sleeping, literally, on the very next page after the obit...
I love the pic of Ginger jumping the tennis net for a couple of reasons. First it clearly shows Ginger's "fun side." Also whereas I know Ginger's legs had to be strong because of all the dancing, in most pictures they look lithe and feminine. This shows off the muscle in both her calves and thighs and you can see why she was able to do the dance moves so effortlessly (like hopping over Fred's leg in Carefree).
ReplyDeleteLast weekend one of the network evening news shows (I think it was NBC) ended with signs of summer of yesteryear. There were 3 or 4 actresses pictured in bathing suits. Naturally Marilyn Monroe was one, but so was Ginger with this pic we all know and love...
Ginger in Swimsuit
I thought it was neat that out of all the old time actresses, Ginger was one of the few they selected. :-)
So don't leave us in suspense. What did Mickey say about Ginger?
BTW, I've been using firefox for several years now and prefer it to IE. I found it faster than IE, and this latest version 4 is the fastest yet. I feel safer using it, too.
I hope the displaced people in your area are finding temporary housing until they can rebuild or move elsewhere. I feel for them and all they are going through. It also must be such an odd feeling to drive by homes totally destroyed and walk into yours just blocks away. I'm so glad you and your mother's homes were spared.
BTW, I love your reviews. They are so very entertaining!
Ron - After a bit of thought, it probably would make sense to 'defer' HCG for now, but maybe just slip it on the 'ranking list' with the dreaded 'asterisk'... Debbie has some Gingerbilia? Awesome! wonder who ended up with it... this kinda makes me wonder if she was at the 'soiree' in Medford, Oregon back on 5/1, as they were auctioning off some G-bilia there... yet ANOTHER reason to regret not going...of course, with the tornado just a few days prior, was a bit hard to think about anything else, even tho we were fine, physically, anyway...
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, please post any of the obit info...it's REALLY sad for me, but it is just...something ya need to see anyway... I have the People article of her obit from somewhere...maybe Ms. OGRE had it... thanks, Ron!!!
Lady F: Hi! Yep, Ginger was quite fit...again, it would have been nigh to impossible for ol' Huey (or probably most any other dude in the lackadasical 21st Century) to keep up with this uber-active lady...but it would have been awesome to try!
Great to have a 'Ginger sighting', especially on a network not named TCM... I just hope we see a few references to Gingertennial out there... Google, for instance...would be cool to have a 'Gingertennial' banner that day (their 'guitar' banner a few days ago for Les Paul was killer, BTW...)
What did Mickey say about Ginger...hmm...oh, yes - sorry - it is actually on the picture at the top...just a 'blurb', but pretty much to the point and right on target.
As for the 'browser' issues, Firefox does pull up MOST of the stuff for posting, but the COLOR option is gone! Which is kind of a bummer, since the reviews were all 'color-coded' to an extent...oh well, maybe italics and 'bold' will suffice... I wish the 'new post editor' worked better... maybe it will get going soon...
And lastly, but DEFINITLY not least, folks in my community are really 'moving on'...there are quite a few spots where reconstruction is already taking place, and other areas are at least TOTALLY cleaned off...just bare lots. Weird how some areas are still 'untouched', with smashed houses still there...probably an insurance (or lack of) deal...not sure what happens on those properties - after a certain time, eminent domain kicks in and the city will bulldoze it, I guess...but our little group is doing well - thanks for keeping us in thoughts and prayers.
And, thanks for the kind words...it's taken a bit to get back 'into' posting... but there's a few ideas which hopefully will materialize soon... stay tuned!
KIG, y'all!