...hello, all you Gingerologists out there! Well, Huey's Home Base has yet to retain the Internet or TV (...btw, did those royal kids ever get married? :-) ), so I am jotting this down at work...after hours, so hopefully that's not TOO bad...:-)
Anyway, the cleanup effort is well underway in Pleasant Grove, and throughout the state...I went to another city that was hit pretty hard to the north of us - Cullman - and did some 'survey' work of the damage. My job allowed a few of us to hook up with some FEMA folks who are surveying the damage, looking for existing storm shelters, and scoping out possible locations for new shelters to serve the communities.
I actually 'guided' the FEMA folks through Pleasant Grove, and could tell some specific stories about how folks survived - which seemed to be pretty useful for their work. We drove up right in front of our old house, which has since been 'razed'...lots of new 'empty lots' for sale in PG, unfortunately...
But the big thing now for the 'survivors' is that there are quite a few con artists afoot throughout the area trying to 'price-gouge' and such... they should be shot down like dogs!!! Too bad Ginger isn't able to run those goofballs off with her double barrel skeet shooter...
Well, as for Gingery stuff...DANG I'm missing it!!! One thing I have noticed is that TCM has their July schedule out... and Ginger is nowhere to be found on 7/16/11....GRRRRRR..... Maybe y'all should toss a few notes Ted's way and ask him to explain himself... oh well, maybe they will do something later on this year... but y'know, wouldn't it be cool to have at least ONE GingerFilm on her 100th Birthday??? I mean, C'MON!!!
Speaking of which, we are two months away from Ginger's 100th... I am still planning on being in Independence... I will keep y'all posted. Whenever everything gets up and running, I may try to put a 'countdown clock' on here, if there is such an animal available... AT&T has been stringing line near my area, so Charter hopefully isn't far behind.... we may get back 'on-line' by the weekend....here's hoping...
And again, thanks for all the continued thoughts, prayers, and concern over this region...it's going to be a long process, but the human spirit is quite resilient when it comes straight down to it, as Ginger proved in her life... I hope I can figure out what my 'role' can be with the recovery effort - there's plenty of opportunity, to be sure...
Until then,
My apartment bedroom
4 weeks ago
Oh no Huey...you are in my prayers...I had no idea...I've been so busy lately. Keep us updated friend! Kori xoxo
ReplyDeleteKeep hanging in there, thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteI did mention Ginger's birthday to TCM on Twitter....and they're following me now!
ReplyDeleteHang in there.
ReplyDeleteKori - Thanks for the kind words! AND, congrats on your BOOK!!! dang, when did THAT happen? you know, you miss a few weeks, and out of nowhere there's an author afoot!! :-] I will MOST defnitely obtain a copy of your tome...I'm sure I will love it, no matter the tale... :-]
ReplyDeleteBetsy: Thanks for the kind thoughts! Hopefully things are 'stabilizing' here...it's a bit depressing riding thru town and seeing all the vacant lots now...where houses were a month ago. Hope YOU are doing well!
Ron: good to hear ya banged on Uncle Ted's cage regarding the lack of Gingeryness on TCM's 7/16 lineup... I will post some stuff this weekend, maybe to start up a bit of a 'campaign' to get folks to drop a line as well... maybe they will at least 'make up' for it down the road...
VP: Thanks for the kind thoughts...we are doing ok here - and we just need to 'be there' for folks who DID lose stuff... it's pretty hard to know what to say to someone who just lost all their worldly belongings... but perseverance is the word around here for folks, which is promising...
Thanks to all... I will crank up some Gingery goodness for SURE this weekend... and will get back to the GingerFilm reviews as well...
Until then...