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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Gingerology Post #250!!!

...yeah, yeah, I know it's just a number, but...hey, any excuse will do in order to post an incredible GingerPic, right? This one is one of my favorites - she's so beautiful in it, it's kinda...unnerving, if that makes any sense... ...any photo where she is wide-eyed directly into the camera is totally priceless.... I'm honestly not sure what 'promo shoot' this one is from...any ideas, y'all?

...But, yes, it is pretty neat to have that many 'topics' regarding our girl...y'know, when I started up G-ology, I was wondering if I could 'sustain' it over time...now my biggest problem is finding ENOUGH time to get all the Gingery goodness on the site in a proper manner...speaking of which, I am inching closer to the Romance in Manhattan review... but I'm not saying when, as that seems to 'jinx' the proceedings... I just gotta keep telling myself 'There's no such thing as a blog deadline', y'all...

And, also a mention to any of you out there who are being affected by tropical storm-fixing-to-be-hurricane Issac - hope everyone fares well, and gets to a safe area...we will definitely get some big rain and some wind from it towards the end of the week, but it is usually pretty 'dissipated' by the time it gets to South Gingerville. Again, everyone stay safe out there...

Have a Gingery week, y'all...and thanks for supporting Gingerology!!!



  1. Hey that pic is pretty cool. I saw it long time ago, it's a pretty cool pic.
    Hopefully you can get the review going on here sometime, I really like that movie! :)
    Hopefully it's not too bad over there. The hurricane is so big that even we are getting harsh wind over here in Houston. It's pretty far from the main path it's going.
    Got day 3 of school down! It's somewhat okay. Already got a project due tomorrow and two quizzes today. Hopefully the rest of the year is great!
    Have a great day.
    Oh btw it's pretty cool, this is non gingery but in the movie theaters there going to show The Birds. It's pretty awesome cause I love that movie and I can't wait to see it on the big screen. :D

  2. Great to hear school is doing 'fair-to-middlin' for ya...it'll get better.

    I'll get the review rolling soon... have most of the caps done...there are MANY incredible ones....this one has the most 'close-up Ginger' moments to date... it's gonna take a bit to figure out the best ones.

    We really weren't affected much by IZZY, save for some rain and 'mild' wind...nothing too big at all...in fact, we'll probably get affected by more rain when it makes the 'right turn' at St.Louis and goes east...

    The Birds...great film! It is going to be shown around Halloween at The Alabama Theater, our old movie palace... it would be pretty neat to see it there. They always show a bunch of classic Christmas films, so may try to catch one of those... wish they would show more 'weekly' classics.

    KIG!!! And have a great big ol' Gingery Labor Day Weekend!!!



Awards...Thanks, Y'all!!!

...I TRULY appreciate these, and the kind words regarding this blog...thanks for all the inspiration I have drawn from each of your blog sites, which are all awesome in their unique ways!!!
It is my hope that I can continue to make 'G-ology' interesting and informative regarding the 'Beautiful Science' of VKM, which is SUCH a great topic!!! ...And remember, your comments are what make Gingerology click - so keep cranking them out!

Thanks again, JW

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10
Thanks, Gingerella and Sally!!!

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09
Thanks, AC!!!

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10
Thanks, Maggie and Kate Gabrielle!!!

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11
Thanks, Camille and Anna!!!

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018
...including the Gingerology entry of 'Gold Diggers of 1933'...