...this time it is for 'Monkey Business'... a nice review overall, even though it does point out some of the overt 'silliness' involved...but hey, it's a screwball comedy, right? Good to see folks out there checking out GingerFilms...Here's the link:
Monkey Business Review from Movies Unlimited
Well, I hope everyone out there is getting geared up for autumn...it's really my favorite time of year, even though I get a bit melancholy for whatever reason... here's a 'autumn' painting Ginger did, which I don't know the exact name of, so let's just call it "GingeryAutumn" ...and yes, of course I would give my eye teeth to have one of her original paintings...
As for upcoming postings, the next will most likely be the "Shriek in the Night" review, hopefully out by the end of the weekend... there are a few more ideas rattling around in my head...and I am starting to get the 'itch' for eBay again...'tis the season, right? But realistically, I need to 'catalog' the Gingerbilia I have already... AND, potentially a new Huey computer may be on the horizon, as this box is almost 4 years old, so getting a bit temperamental... so, 'transferal' proceedings will also be in order...
And finally, just wanted to inform those who didn't know that a fellow classic films blogger, Gerald Stewart, better known as Gordon Pasha, passed away recently... here is a link to his blog, Laszlos on Lex:
And, fellow blogger Matthew Coniam posted this very appropriate and moving tribute to him on his site, Movietone News:
Gerald's blog was quite unique, as the posts were 'sparse' at times, but gave enough to pique your interest on a topic or actor/actress, and somehow always got his point across very succinctly. Gerald will be missed in the classic blogosphere, to be sure... Rest in Peace.
My apartment bedroom
4 weeks ago
This looks all very dainty!
ReplyDeleteMy human Missis and me went into politics, blogging for Obama. Do you think a bird should blog for Obama, or is this pet-abuse?
In Tennessee I found a blog with starfishes, but I didn't see any starfish. :(
Friendly outcry though,
Miss P.
Checking in to say hi, trying to get back into the blogging swing of things. Your last review of Professional Sweetheart reminded me that I need to watch it again, because I have no memory of it! lol
ReplyDeleteThe early bird gets the oyster.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for blogs that aren't dead. The Big Parade seems to be, but the Mythical Monkey is very lively. There I met thingy where commentators are downright swarming. And there I discovered another blog: Life at Willow Manor. Here are even more commentators... I saw up to 93 -- literally felt like in a New England seagull colony!
My experience tells me, where many birds are, must be food. Maybe it isn't anything to eat, but commentators seem to find something over there.
Miss P: Howdy! Well, glad you have dropped in to post a few...good to have you aboard! While there aren't all that many avian references in Ginger films, one DOES stand out, that of course being the 'Ostrich Feathers' dress she wore in 'Top Hat'...
ReplyDeleteAnd as for blogs, unfortunately they seem to come and go... many are superseded by school activity, which is to be understood... others, they just fade away... hopefully G-ology will have a long and prosperous existence, its primary purpose to keep the memory of Ginger alive for future generations...
Thanks again for stopping by! (P.S. - do you know the 'AFLAC' goose? I hear he's a rare bird...er, pardon the expression...)
Betsy: SOOOO glad to hear from you! Thanks for the kind words - 'Prof-Sweetheart' is definitely one to check out, and it clocks in a just over an hour... my 'attention span' usually wanes after 75-80 minutes on a typical movie...well, unless it's pretty Gingery... then all rules of time and space seem to blur...
And, if it's ok, my thoughts and prayers to you and yours on your recent loss of your beloved dog.... hope the new pup will ease your pain.
KIG, y'all...
Sorry, I've been to Tess' cyber ball -- she really got over 400 comments that day. Tess is NOT going since 2008.... and she likes birds and spreads oysters all over the hall for me.
ReplyDeleteGinger with oyster feathers looks very dainty -- my mother's watching them all the time. But you wanna fly away when she shoots off the shotgun -- it's definitely NOT carefree.
I like dogs and chickens, but never met a goose in church. My mother says the AFLAC goose is fake, it couldn't even play piano (as I do on my blog). On St. Francis day I was in church two times and meet a bunch of dogs. On the Sunday after that I was in another church. My mother refused to be photographed, so the press shot me with the pastor. I was blessed with water and the pastor asked, "Some more water?"
My mother is mad at herself, cuz she didn't tell the press lady, we want a pic with me and the pastor -- we don't even know which paper it was. At least I have photos with dogs and a girl who loves my kind.