Now, this "program-style" book, which is most accurately described as a "promotional / biographical" feature, IS autographed by Ginger, which is cool in and of itself - my first autograph from VKM! But the MAIN reason I snagged this book is that it is loaded with cool pics! There are also a few nice articles - the most interesting one is by Lela, describing how Ginger became involved with the Charleston contest which sealed her fate as this cabana boy's eventual and perpetual Boss Lady! I will try to transcribe that or whatever for a future post...
But enough yakking... on to the visuals!
...This is a 'promo' pic from "Kitty Foyle"... quite interesting and really beautiful... there aren't really too many 'serious' (i.e., 'non-smiling') pics of Ginger floating around.
...Speaking of "Kitty", here is one I have never seen from that perfect night in February 1941... it is just after she received the Oscar, and is back at her table with Lela and the boys...
...Now, this picture and the next one are pretty interesting... it is obvious that Ginger knew how to brandish a firearm (see 'Carefree'... "he should be shot down like dogs!!!") ...I know little or nothing about firearms... But, something tells me this isn't her typical garb for skeet's a killer pic, tho (no pun intended...)
...I'm sorry, y'all, but THIS Ginger just totally shakes me to my foundations... the 'middle age' Ginger at peak form... yeah, MAYBE a bit too much mascara or whatever around the eyes, but... nah... she is just out-and-out HAWT in this one... Huey is a MONDO fan... and I LUV her hair style of this era... and how it is darker on bottom, light on top... just magnificent, y'all... Bob, you were one lucky cat... hats off!
Well, that's about it... hope y'all dug these... there were quite a few more in this tome, but most are already familiar to we Gingerologists...
AND, thanks for all the votes about the 'Fall Clothing' pics... the 'Fuzzy Lines' ran away with it... a pretty cool outfit, and really the most 'custom-styled' of the batch... but I am STILL a fan of the first one... you know, the 'middle-age' Ginger thing... yupyupyup...
Keep it Gingery in GingerFall, Y'all!!!