...from all the folks here at Gingerology! The best picture for this 'reflective' post was the one above, which is the 'initial' G-ology 'banner' picture (and STILL one of my favs!)
Well, as I reflect on the past half-year of G-ology's existance, now is a good time to say thanks to all of you who have contributed and/or followed this blog...when I started it, did not really know what I would end up doing with it, or how I could keep posting new stuff concerning Ginger. But it has been a lot easier than I thought, with a lot learned, and much more to discover!
And the coolest part is that there are so many of "y'all" out there who are into 'the Golden Era' of cinema, including Ginger movies! It is kind of a 'commitment' for me at this point to keep the VKM info rolling along, and I have no problems with that! I am also learning a LOT about other great movies, actors and actresses from your blogs, all of which just ROCK! It is because we CARE about keeping the memories of this era alive that this 'community' is strong! So, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!
Well, before I start to sound TOO much like a politician, hope the new year works out well for everyone...2009 was overall a pretty rough one, economic-wise, anyway. If we just 'Keep It Gingery', maybe things will improve for 2010... hey, MAYBE "Hat Check Girl" will finally be unearthed!!!
AAANNNDDD, I am also kicking around some 'new' ideas for the blog... the 'biggest' of which will be a "This Day In Gingerology" feature, which is hopefully self-explanatory. I have quite a few entries for it so far, but will most likely not have every day filled... yet, anyway...
Also, wanting to put a 'jukebox' deal on the site, but with Ginger tunes EXCLUSIVELY... that is also a 'work in progress'.
And, any feedback is GREATLY appreciated - what do YOU want to see more of in G-ology? I may set a poll up here pretty soon asking that question.
Anyway, Y'all be safe tonight (sure most folks are already out partying! I am hanging out with the wife and kids, which is the BEST spot for me!), have fun, and see you next year!!!
Your Gingerologist,
Happy New Year to you too honey! Here's wishing you a fabulous 2010! Kori xoxo
ReplyDeleteAnything you do with this blog will be OK by me....except stopping it. ;) I've enjoyed getting to know you in the short time I've been here and appreciate your visits to my blog too. Your Ginger movie schedule listing has been really helpful and enabled me to record some movies I'd hadn't seen yet. And if you're feeling low on Ginger-related things to post, there's nothing wrong with the occasional Huey-related post. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the excellent work, and like you said: us vintage lovers AND Ginger fans have to stick together!
OMG where is my comment??
ReplyDeleteBlondie - Thanks for the kind words!!! Hope yours was (and will be)great! ...BTW, not really sure how I ever missed your blog, but am now a follower - I am in total awe as to your following! (uh-oh...English teacher? oof...better break out my Hodges' Harbrace College Handbook!!! :-] )
ReplyDeleteGingerella - Thanks also for the kind words!!! I have a few things 'cooking', but you know, I just ran out of time...the holidays are really more hectic than...er, 'non-holiday time'! So maybe things will fall in place soon. Love your blog, too - 'Miss Pin-up'!!! Between your site and Blondie's, never a dull moment!
Lauren - Hi! Hey, what happened to Grayscale? It changed URLs or whatever...maybe that is what crozzled your comment...BTW - we probably need to get Blondie in on SayWhat - she actually UNDERSTANDS English!!! :-]
I am not the grammar police lol! Thanks for visiting today...I appreciate your sweet comments and hope you will be back soon...I am so excited about my following too! I just started blogging in October! Have a great Monday! Kori xoxo
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Huey! It seems no matter what you do on Gingerology, it's entertaining. I always find something to smile about. Keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDelete...I will try to keep up, Kori! I have a four-month old boy, and he is a handful...of course my wife does most everything - but I try to help out where I can...it's a full-time job, for sure!
ReplyDeleteFioraon! Thanks for the kind words - hope you had a great 'season'! Hopefully I can keep things shaking on here...I have some ideas for it, if I can get a few 'free minutes'... BTW - do you have a blog? Just wondering.... thanks again, VKMfan (Huey...)
There's no way she's going to have a blog...
ReplyDeleteUmm my comment that ran away was that I have a date for you.
I don't know if you have this one, e-mail me.
Ive got a good one for you - okay so I dont have an EXACT date for part of it.
ReplyDeleteSometime in the mid 1930s - Lela Rogers opens an acting school for young aspring actresses. One of those actresses being Joan Fontaine. All of the actresses respond except Ms. Fontaine. When contacted Ms. Fontaine responds "I don't need you or..." (Im blanking on the exact quote right now as I dont have the book in front of me)
Fast forward to Thursday February 27th 1941 - Joan Fontaine is nominated as Best Actress for her work in Rebecca. Lela's daughter Ginger is nominated for her work in Kitty Foyle. Ginger wins! ;) (ha ha ha)
Author's note: This is a result of my mom saying that Joan Fontaine should have won the Oscar for Rebecca. (Rebecca is one of her favorite movies...then again she's never seen Kitty Foyle). Of course I always stand up for Ginger!