I have a blog called Gingerology.
It's about all things...
Ginger Rogers, that is.
Maybe I should post on this blog once in a blue moon (I think we actually HAD one of those since the last post...)
It's been hectic, busy, yada yada yada... Ginger had a pretty hectic schedule back in the day as well.
...speaking of which...
...this picture...
...cannot be adequately described in mere words... Thanks to whomever posted this one on FB...
...This visual perfection serves to remind me WHY this blog exists... in a VERY optimum manner...
Back at it. I will... um...
...on second thought, let's not go the route of "I will..." or "I'm gonna...", as those declarations always seem to meet a untimely fate...
Let's just leave it at... I'm here... and gonna be keepin' it GINGERY at every opportunity... hope y'all are doing the same!
KIG - and I WILL... ...well, you know...
My apartment bedroom
4 weeks ago