Well, it's that time of year again... Monte of All Good Things, as well as The Mythical Monkey, team up once again to bring you...
The 2013 Favorite Classic Movie Actress Tournament is gearing up, with 'play-in' rounds starting up in mere hours!!!
Here's the links to each site...
All Good Things
Mythical Monkey
...so, y'all all jump over there and get voting!!! AAANNNDDD, remember, since our girl won last year, she has been 'retired' from competition, as well as Miss Irene Dunne, who was the inaugural winner of the tourney two years back... in fact, here's Fred ripping up Ginger and Irene's tourney entry forms...
...hope all is well this weekend for everyone... I've had a good (not good meaning good but good meaning bad) touch of the congestion-cold stuff...but about 90% back, so... hanging in there...
The 'alternate plot' for Roberta...CLOOOOSE! I've got the caps 'set', as well as the 'general theme'...not very 'off the wall', but perhaps a bit interesting for ya nevertheless... hope to get it out...yaddayaddayadda...
my home cinema!
5 hours ago