
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Fellow Gingerologists, I give you...

...As most of you know, as Chief Gingerologist, I have had a tendency to test the limits of PayPal on occasion (BTW, a REAL 'Pal' wouldn't do that to my Visa card... :-[ ) regarding Gingerbilia on eBay (which is Pig Latin for 'BE' in 'This will BE the end of my savings account...oof).
Anyway...I have been sorting through my 'acquisitions' and ran across these photos, which are 14x11s (weird size, it seems)... honestly didn't remember I had them (the first step is to have a PROBLEM...albeit a nice one :-] ) (BTW, sorry for all the parentheses...) (it won't happen again...) (no, REALLY...)
After checking these out, they are AWESOME!!! The COOL thing about these, other than being in color, is they appear to be 'untouched', in that they are just the 'raw' photos - although most of them are movie promo pics... they are 'glossy', on good ol' Kodak paper... but Ginger just looks so cool in these, even without any 'touch-ups'...there's something about the 'real' look of some of these that is really nice, IMHO... Anyway, enough jibber-jabber... on with the pics! [Oh, P.S. - I will have a few comments below each...and note I used brackets here, NOT parentheses...]

...Perhaps my fave of the bunch... not really sure if this is in support of a movie, or just a 'general promo' deal... her hair does not really strike a memory of a correlating movie role, except for maybe 'Lucky Partners?' Honestly, tho, it really looks like she just came in off the street and spontaneously sat down for a photo shoot... and what a photo shoot, y'all! Her smile is just sheer perfection here (well, it ALWAYS is, but REALLY awesome here...) She is also rocking that 'basic' sun dress, too...and killer heels... and her hair is DEFINITELY early 40's, but not TOO 'poofed up'... just right, IMHO...yow yow YOW!!! ...ok, well, we better move on, cause I could be here on this one indefinitely, y'all...

One of the pics from the 'Lady in the Dark' promo sessions... Ginger in a tutu? That would be a BIG OL' yepyepyep from Huey! And again, such a great smile... I really don't remember anything like this in the 'Jenny' scene, however...guess I need to go watch it again (it doesn't take much of an excuse for me, y'all...) Her hair is cool in this one, just kinda 'up and out'...and the ribbon/feathers paraphanelia in it is also working well for a cool effect...and on a side note, given that Our Miss Ginger was a bit under 5'-5", that must be either a small horse or a large pony (where the threshold between the two are, who knows...) Oh, to be a small horse or a large pony for just a few moments in the time-space continuum... :-]

Not sure where this is - looks like a Greek Temple or something in the background...let's just assume that, as our Gingery goddess is observing something in the distance... could it be? YES! the prodigal Cabana Boy, returning from the local Baskin-Robbins...or whatever they had back then...with a couple of drums of Miss Rogers' fav flavor, er... well, whatever that may be (I still say it was Chocolate, y'all...) BTW, I LOVE the Green and Gold combo [my team's colors (UAB)] - and for facing the sun's glare, she is just SO fine... If I had to pick out ANYTHING here that would be not as 'perfect', her lipstick color might be just a bit too 'bright' or whatever... but I would eagerly help her remove it for another shade :-)

Not sure where this one is from, but just a pretty pic, for dang sure... hmmm...quite the bow or whatever on the hat and collar - not that I am a fashion guru, but this one must be from the early 40's as well. A few 'freckles' and 'lines' show up here, but I think it gives her that 'real' look, and honestly just that much more fetching to me... oh, and note that her 'beauty mark' is reversed, which means... that the picture is reversed. ...a REAL Gingerologist would catch that right off the bat.

This one is I THINK from 'Dreamboat', although not sure which scene... there were actually two pics of this 'series' included in the set, but this one was just a WEE bit better (the other one is awesome as well). Just a note here... if we ever did a 'best Ginger eyebrows' poll, Huey would vote for these... perfect. And the hair curls...dang those are cool! And another thing...could that be a 'Ginger Rogers rose' in her hair? It DOES appear to be similar, from the few pics I have seen of that rose variety...

OK... I KNOW that THIS pic is from 'Dreamboat'... and this AWESOME dress is documented in Ginger's bio as follows: "One day, Marilyn Monroe dropped by the set (of Dreamboat) for a visit. I was wearing a wonderful gold lame evening dress and Marilyn liked it. Moreover, she told the front office (of MGM) she wanted it. She got it and wore it in a brief scene in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." Ginger is made up a bit in this one, to emulate the 'silent era' actress, which had to go extra on makeup for whatever reason (maybe y'all could explain that one... I understand why extra makeup is needed for a stage play, but I think the transition to movies from stage was gradual in this respect... although it could be I don't have a bloody clue as to what I am rambling on about...) ANYWAY, Ginger rocks this dress quite nicely... not sure if this was the SAME dress Marilyn wore, but I'm pretty sure she rocked it as well... I dig the cape... Ginger in a cape... kinda redundant in a way, since we all know that Ginger has superpowers unbeknownst to most...
Well - hope you liked these as much as Huey!!! I will continue to plow through my 'stash' and hopefully find some more awesome Gingery goodness!

A programming note: TCM will be airing 'Top Hat' on Thursday, November 25, at 12:30 AM - yep, that's EARRRRLY Thanksgiving if you plan on having insomnia that night, it would be a very entertaining way to pass the time... otherwise,

...Y'all have a VERY Gingery Thanksgiving!!!




  1. Aaaaaah!

    That is ...

    ... no really!

    It's GORGEOUS!!

    Say, where did you get all those original photographs? Did you dig out Miss VKM's album??

    P.S.: If a picture is reversed, no problem: Open it in ms.paint ... just one click and it's re-reversed.

  2. That one with the lipstick you wanna wipe away is my favorite pic. I wouldn't exactly say it's more lipstick than on the other ones -- the red is just somewhat bolder, that's it. And it seems, this makes you kinda' nervous, haha ...

    She looks quite naturally yet on that pic. Seems to be the private Ginger, that's why I like it. Sometimes, Huey, women play with colors and they don't ask whether anybody is gonna like it. Maybe she needed that kind of red that day, to cheer herself a little up ...

  3. Good stuff! I should pass some pics along to you...

    Nice to see Ginger get a nice mention in TCM's 30's episode of their "Moguls" series...

  4. VERY cool photos Huey!! I love seeing pictures of the classic Hollywood stars in color. I've got a few Ida photos in my collection I should scan and share at my blog at some point. Maybe I'll do that after the holidays.

    I hope you have a Happy (and Gingery) Thanksgiving! :)

  5. The 1st is one of my fav pic ever
    I've never saw the other ones. They are pretty

  6. Great pics, Huey! I have a soft spot for the "Dolly-dos" (Magnificent Doll), and those curls remind me of those. That one is my favorite of the bunch. The pic of Ginger in the tutu is the only time she has looked short to me (other than posing next to Robert Ryan. I guess it's the combination of the horse and the way the tutu looks on her.

    Here's wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. And my thanks to you for keeping us entertained with Gingery material.

  7. CS: These are from a purchase on eBay... they seemed to be pretty cool, so I bid on them... I was surprised when they were ACTUAL large glossy photos... I mean, they appear to be prints from the original negatives or whatever... was pretty happy about them, as eBay is at best a 'mixed bag' of 'truth in advertising'. As for the lipstick it too - it is just a shot of her 'as-is' or whatever... and I DO like the shade there, but does seem to be a bit different than her 'usual' shade... but believe me, no issues whatsoEVER from this spot, to be sure! :-P

    Ron: thanks! Any Ginger pics are definitely of interest here, of course! And, glad you noted the TCM 'Moguls' series... did watch that, and saw the few snippets of Ginger and Fred there... for them to try to 'summarize' the movie decade of the thirties in one hour is pretty impossible - but it was a fair job of it... heck, I would like to see them take it at a 'year per hour' pace...

    JH: - Thanks! Yes, although we are VERY used to seeing them in B/W, there is something pretty cool about the color pics, too - please load up any Ida pics! And hope you had a great thanksgiving!

    Camille: Thanks! Yes, there is just SOMETHING about that first one...I mean, it really doesn't IMMEDIATELY favor Ginger, but her facial expression kicks in and you know it is her in full 'Brunette' mode...and just so insanely pretty. There are at least 3 or 4 different 'poses' of this 'session' floating around out there, but this one is probably the best one of the bunch, so that's a good thing! And glad to supply new pics to folks - that is my 'goal'!

    Fioraon: Now, I guess you are right about that 'rose' pic being from 'Mag Doll'...the curls are pretty much right in line with some of her scenes in that...I can't remember a scene where she was in black, but she had like, 50 differnt outfits in that one, right? I dig the horsie pic... but yes, she looks all of 5'- 4-1/2" in that pic, for whatever reason... of course, I think she was supposed to be a 'kid' in that sequence... well, until Miss Jenny is 'uncaged' and 'unfurled'! (DANG... that is quite intense when I think about that sequence...oof!) ok... Huey is settling back down (barely)... well, hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving as well, Fioraon!!!
    And it is an honor to inform and entertain you and all of our fair Gingerologists with info, pics, etc... it's a never-ending story, and I'm thankful to be on it!! :-)


    Hope everyone once again had a great and safe Thanksgiving, and be sure to Keep It Gingery!!!


  8. Clarissa -- That's DEFINITELY Ginger. I love the picture. I'd guess 1937-1938....the time period of Shall We Dance, Vivacious Lady, Stage Door.

  9. Thanks Fioraon!

    The photo is beautiful and Ginger looks very good. But I didn't recognize her. Well, I saw SHALL WE DANCE and STAGE DOOR only once and I don't have VIVACIOUS LADY yet. Maybe it's because of that -- although I honestly am pretty face-blind, hardly recognizing neighbors out on the street. And I usually got to see a movie several times in order to learn who is who. :)

  10. I imported several articles from blogspot-sweet&hot to WordPress-sweet&hot. And as I now see: Even the comments went over.

    Hope this is alright with ya, Huey - can certainly delete 'em on WordPress. On blogspot they're of course still existing too; they're just copied to WordPress.

    In my opinion this doubles promotion for Gingerology, doesn't it?

    I certainly stay connected to Gingerology and other fellows I know on blogspot.

    P.S.: Here's a swell article on STAGE DOOR - you all must see it Gingerologists!

  11. CS - yupyupyup...that is DEFINITELY Ginger! An awesome pic, no doubt! Thanks!

    Fioraon - I would put it around that time frame, yes indeed! I might venture to say looks a LOT like her hair style in that one - well, in Vivacious Lady, also...

    CS - ya GOTTA see Vivacious Lady! It's really one of the best 'screwball romance' movies ever...
    Hope ya get things up and running on WordPress! Now, does this mean the 'old' site is kaput? Or will it just link over to the 'new' site? And any stuff ya want to use is totally cool with me, CS! :-)

    Y'all KIG!

  12. Nothing kaput, Huey - I had just war against GOOGLE and today they sound pretty helpful. Maybe GOOGLE is too big to understand us little creatures?
    VIVACIOUS LADY is definitely on my TO BUY LIST now -- thanks for the tip Huey!

    Looks like there'll be two sweet & hots ...

    On my new blogroll is just one link: GINGEROLOGY!
    Well, tomorrow I'll add some more, but presently you're solo there. ;) It took a little time to understand how to fix the blogroll-program.

    Another interesting point: On WordPress you can edit comments. That means you can remove naughty terms of your commentators, without deleting the whole comment. And you can let it snow on your blog - but certainly not on my one, because it's a magazine and the paper gets wet then. :(
