A few things that jump out at me are:
1. It is March 26th, not the 29th as noted in Ginger's bio - but what's three days when recollecting an event held 60 years prior to transcribing her bio? huey gives Ginger a pass (surprised?)
2. Somebody fibbed JUST a bit about her age - she WAS seventeen, as she notes in her bio, but the license notes age eighteen, which may well have been the minimum age for marriage, even in those days. Well, she was just a few months away from eighteen, so close enough, especially in New Orleans :-] .
3. Lela was a witness to the proceedings, which was a BIT of a surprise, seeing how she was so vehemently against the ill-fated union - but I guess her daughter's first wedding could not be missed, no matter what the circumstances.
4. Kinda weird (and I am a bit bummed) that they didn't have to sign anything... sure they signed SOMETHING SOMEWHERE, but not on this record.
5. What is with Ginger's middle name? "C.Lee"? Haven't read about that ANYWHERE... the 'C' is evidently 'Catherine', which of course should have been 'Katherine'...
6. Whats with the abbreviation of 'Independence, MO.'? They spelled out 'Palestine, Tex.' (which should be 'TX.' , no?) ...goes to show proper syntax has always been an issue...
And, I guess that's about all I caught. Overall, I just think it is pretty dang cool to be able to hunt down this stuff and analyze it for a bit... I might just hunt down a few more... four to go! Hey, if the first one is out there, seems like the others would be easy to obtain, right?
OK - hope y'all get a kick out of this, even tho it WAS by most accounts (and by the poll) the most ill-fated marrige to the most GooberHeady of the bunch... well, he got one vote, anyway...
More stuff on the way - have actually 2 or 3 'topics' lined up for the next few posts... Gingerology never rests, y'all... hope y'all are surviving the 'dawg days' of August... Keep it cool, and as always,
Oh that's cool you have this.
ReplyDeleteFunny the C.Lee, never saw that anywhere, as you said
Very interesting! I love seeing old documents like this. Did they send you the original or a copy of the original? Just curious. :)
ReplyDeleteI read that new poll post awhile back, and saw that you got a copy of this. I was waiting for you to upload it. And finally!! Very neat that you could get something like this. I question too why they put C.Lee as the middle name. There out in the gingery world, we have not heard of that sort of thing....interesting....
Hmm looks like the C.Lee is bugging all of us! It really screws up the whole "VKM" thing for ya doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteJH - Well, this is just a 'photocopy'...which may well have been from microfiche... I think they said they just make official electronic copies of the 'originals' and toss them, unfortunately. When I was in New Orleans, I went into the police headquarters in the French Quarter, and they didn't have any records, but gave me a few numbers...ultimately, discovered that any records over 50 years old transfer to the 'archives' in the state capitol, Baton Rouge... they had a web site, and you just enter the names and date, and they will shoot it out to you for $5.00...pretty fair price for this. Sorry I couldn't give you a more detailed account :-] but yes, these type of documents are cool - I would love to 'pinpoint' exactly where this took place down there...well heck, it says '1st City Court', wherever THAT is...
ReplyDeleteCamille, GF11, SG: Well, yep, this IS a weird development about 'C.Lee'... the 'C' part is probably the 'other spelling' of Katherine, as she probably just told them her name and they did the 'C' instead of the 'K'... but 'Lee'... ??? Is this some type of homage to Lela? 'LeLee?' This is one we need to contact Roberta Olden for...
Gingerology starts study of source material - I like that. It's a good idea to do some basic research!
ReplyDeleteTo the Question "K or C?": This is easy to explain: K = Greek; C = Latin. In fact the Greek history is much older and there it was Αικατερίνα ("Aikaterina", but it seems even there they had some more variations); in Latin it's CATHARINA. Up to the early middle-age Greek was dominating, since the late middle-age it was more and more Latin. So the C dominated during the early modern times. In the 19th century Greek became more and more popular again (as they were quite interested in the middle-age then): In many European languages they changed the C to the K - even in Latin vocabularies (thanks God English speakers weren't that crazy!). But you can really translate the name from Greek to Latin and change K to C (the C was probably old-fashioned during the early 1900s).
Another point: "Catherine" is a French variation of the Latin form. French is actually sort of Latin dialect, if we consider it historically: It was the kind of Latin they spoke in the Roman province GALLIA. French had a strong influence on all European languages later: After the Normans it was above all the French science and culture at the court of the famous Sunking.
Katherine is a very multi-variant name, because you can mix all those variations up and have something in between Greek, Latin and French.
The 'κulpeppervoter' had been me (but I added it doesn't count!): I tried to back out, because those Gingerdudes get on my nerves more and more. (If I see her with that French guy she's a perfect stranger to me - what a ... (you better be quiet Clarissa)! Well, I came to the conclusion that I can appreciate Ayres intellectual qualities at least (whether he was true to you or not is your problem Ginger and not mine). I rather would have my vote undone, but it doesn't work.
You Ginger darling, just keep on singing, dancing and acting and we'll get along nicely.
I understand the misspelling of Katherine. My full legal name is Kathryn but Ive seen it spelled a million different ways. Katherine, Katharine, and of course Catherine. I think for some reason on my library card its Katherne or something like that. I often ask my parents why they just didnt legally name me Katie. We've even had the screw ups when we go to Florida and my Dad gets the airline tickets and puts mine under Katie - my drivers license says Kathryn and then its a big mess!
ReplyDeleteI looked my name up in Greek: Κλαρίσσα
ReplyDeleteIn other languages I found Clarissa, Clarisse, Klarissa and much more variations.
Best regards,
Ha, you're the missing link here, Sassy! The combo K and y is very Greek, because the Romans had only I (i) and actually no Y.
ReplyDeleteVery very interesting.
VKMfan - That's really neat! I didn't know you could get copies of documents like this for so cheap! This information is completely fascinating, as its really personal. I should try looking up these documents for Ida Lupino. :) Hopefully you'll be able to figure out where it took place, and the "C.Lee" that everyone is questioning. :)
ReplyDeleteWait a minute! As we all know Louisiana was French once. Maybe the document was filled out by an elderly man, who was still used to French writing of names. This could be. I heard that during the 19th century there still was lots of French tradition in Louisiana. That's all not far off in 1929. If this was so, the man just didn't look out right.
ReplyDeleteWell, just theory.
CS - your tenacity for the 'truth' is pretty awesome! 'Linguistics' is a cool topic, but dang - I'm as dumb as a stick when it comes to it! Thanks for all the info... and your last post might be correct in that the local spelling would most likely be the 'C' type, which is the French, thus 'Creole-Cajun' style (See? both start with 'C'... not Kreole or Kajun...). My Grandma was Catherine, as is my aunt, who is not THAT far behind VKM... she is in her mid 80s.
ReplyDeleteJH - This is a pretty neat avenue to obtain info, since they ARE 'public record'; however, after delving into the California 'vital records' site, it's gonna be a bit more challenging there... as it is a pretty intense site. Will probably just call them - in fact, they seem to encourage it. The Ayres debacle is next! They were hitched in Glendale, CA, in L.A. county, in 1934. I think she might have gone by Ginger Rogers at that point, but not sure.
And yes, the 'Lee' deal is quite vexing... seems like she would have mentioned it in her bio... just another slice of Gingerology to dissect!
but don't you think legally she would have been Virginia McMath on a marriage license? Good luck!
ReplyDeleteSassy, I have a legalized alias, which I probably won't need anymore. But I can still sign documents legally that way.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure whether I could marry as ... (won't tell here) ..., but maybe it's possible. So you better look up both names, Huey.
Huey, you should have gotten 4 mails, with 3 JPGs this morning. Hope you got all those mails.
... I am convinced Clarissa is a lost Gabor sister... :-]
ReplyDelete...only kidding, SG, only kidding...
ReplyDeleteI received all the e-mails in grand fashion... thanks! I am going to take this weekend and sort thru all this... I almost need a secretary, or adminstrative Assistant, or whatever they are called nowadays... to help sort out everything... am I crazy, or is it 'crazy' to think I need a 'dedicated' computer for 'GingerOnly' stuff? woah, that would be a BIG step... I have a couple of old computers lying around, but don't trust them enough to store Ginger in them...
whoop, I meant CS... only kidding, CS... well, late night it finally is... thus the syntax gremlins are afoot, seeking to befuddle and vex the verbiage of Huey... as a result, I shan't be long in my retirement to the sleeping chamber...