Well, not all that much more, except this is just another mondo cool side to our Miss Rogers... we all knew she did some of this, but neat to actually SEE this stuff... of course, she only retreated to her ranch every now and again, but still - pretty awesome stuff, y'all... just can't see many of today's stars doing much of this...
Well, hope to have some more things going soon... have a few things rattling around in the ol' noggin, so please stay tuned, and...
Keep It Gingery!!! Get ready for GingerFall, Y'all!!! (I know, GingerAutumn sounds cooler, but "Fall" and "y'all" rhyme...y'all!!! :-] )
Wow, these are great pictures! I just read somewhere that there are cows in that area of Oregon that still have Ginger's name on their breeding record. Her farm/ranch was very productive in that local area :)
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome! GingerFall huh. Don't make me break out my clips of "Ginger-falls" from her movies!
ReplyDeleteThis is cute. I always guessed she just rested on her ranch. Well, I think she had to. But sometimes farm-work can relax you too for a change.
ReplyDeleteNice tractor, but I'd rather take her 1936 Dodge - of course in pink. ;)
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ReplyDeleteFirst to Huey, I love the pictures ESPECIALLY the one with the cow. I bet you wish you were that cow. HAHAHA - having a snack while Ginger brushes your hair. One of my all time favorite Ginger pictures is one you posted awhile ago from the cover of Life magazine
ReplyDeleteGinger on Life Magazine
I realize this was posed, but it looks so natural, she looks very much at home (not highly made up for the camera), and the picture gives the appearance she's doing something she really enjoys and she seems so happy. My bet is that her ranch was a great refuge from the Hollywood grind. She was such a hard worker that I bet she slipped into the farm chores with ease. I'm not interjecting politics here, but remember the retreats Reagan and Bush made to their ranches. Both were doing heavy duty work, i.e. brush clearing etc. It's a great way to expend energy and give you a sense of accomplishment.
Clarissa -- I clicked on the pictures and just got code starting: http://cache2.asset-cache.net..... and a long string of characters continuing thereafter. I would love to see them. I think those thin hips of Ginger's are one reason she looked so great in clothes and dancing.
Desarae: Interesting... so remember, your next 'Uber-Burger' may well have 'sourced' from Ginger's Rogue River Ranch!
ReplyDeleteSG: ...ANY Ginger clips you have are always welcome! I don't think I ever saw that, although I remember you talking about compiling one...
CS: a Pink 1936 Dodge... that shouldn't be TOO hard to find! :-] I kinda kicked this around the other day while driving to work, thinkg about Ginger (what else...duh)... If a 'twenty-something' year old Miss Rogers was placed in 2010, what specific vehicle would she drive?
But yeah, she is so awesome, even in these 'quazi-real life' pics... CS - I am unfortunately with Fioraon, in that the links you show do not work...
speaking of Lady F: yep, if I EVER wanted to be a bovine, I would have wanted to assume the space of this one... maybe this could actually come to fruition if I temporarily delve into the "Retro Hindu" philosophy... :-}
But the LIFE pic is REALLY awesome... she pulls no punches - TRUE beauty, for sure! She went with minimal makeup quite a few times in movies, notably in 'Major-Minor' and also 'Forever Female'... both worked quite well.
Huey, here's the clip when I reference all of Ginger's falls. Check out how gracefully she pulls off her fall in Primrose Path! http://ktmac111581.blogspot.com/2010/02/some-of-those-thoughts-rattling-around.html
ReplyDeleteSo them darn links wouldn't work. Well I tried another way to get to those pics again and got the warning "bad request".
ReplyDeleteWell, we still have ...
In this very moment Huey gets them. :)
I shouldn't have deleted the other post, although dead links aren't very amusing to guests. Well I said something on our "narrow-hipped" Ginger. This helps a lot in "The Major and the Minor", playing a little girl. And still thinking of Mother's Day (remember?), I'm very much afraid it might have turned out dramatic, if she had been pregnant. This sometime worries me, so maybe it's better as it is ... - Anyway she was rushing all the time, hardly resting: Shooting a film since early in the morning, then stage show, then specialty in some club and at midnight she went out dancing with some guy. If she acted this way on her ranch too - well that has an influence on the hormone level and can even prevent pregnancy. Well, as I said, maybe it's better so.
ReplyDeleteBut your right Fioraon, this makes Ginger look good in all kind of clothes. Madame Roberta speaks it out in ROBERTA herself: "She has the best figure in Europe" (Ginger as Polish countess). The ideal dressgirl! Come to ROBERTA, I recently got it and it's my No. 1 HIT of all films ever! Seeing this caused an earth quake in my movie-brain!!
Fioraon, did you get pics from Huey? Or do you still need my e-Mail address? As I asked you before, when we talked about "Bachelor Mother".
Another earth quake: DANCING LADY is not my #1, but a HIT though. Joan Crawford looks great if she dances alone. To see her with Fred Astaire is most amusing, because she makes him look so little. With high heels she looks taller and her body looks kind of solid. Yet I think little Ginger had more power.
A couple of interesting points from Clarissa, but first I found a picture of Huey Cow after a brushing from Ginger....
ReplyDeleteHuey as Ginger's Cow
(Sorry Huey. I couldn't resist.)
In regard to Ginger and clothes, Madame Roberta was SOO right. I was just mentioning to Desarae a classic clip from Gold Diggers 1933 of Ginger. In it, the gals are stripping Ginger of her dress to give to Joan Blondell so she'll be dressed right to check out the new show. First we see this...
Ginger looking great
...followed by Ginger saying "I look better in clothes than any of you." And how right she was because Joan Blondell couldn't quite follow Ginger in that dress. Check out the clip and you'll see.
As for thin Ginger, I think that's one reason she looked so good with Fred. Being super thin himself, he was much better paired with a slight woman. Rita Hayworth while beautiful was fuller than Ginger. Eleanor Parker had the solid legs rather than Ginger's leggy ones. (That's as far as I got.) So Clarissa's onto something with the slim hips.
Finally, no I don't have your email address, Clarissa but I did get a copy of the colorized Bachelor Mother. I prefer the black and white, but it's nice to have a choice. If anyone wants a copy, let me know.
Yes Fioraon, in the Golddiggers we see: Ginger looks gorgeous in dresses, Joan Blondell looks gorgeous in underwear. And Joan looks also good if dresses show something of her arms and shoulders, because she really looks like an antique goddess. But in that black dress, I had it in my first Ginger issue ...
..., Ginger looked much better than Joan. The Golddiggers is one of my best-loved movies, as all Busby Berkely 1933 productions (besides Dancing Lady) - as the year 1933 is my favored year.
Eleanor has a classically female body, yes. But anyway I think she better dances alone - she's really a great soloist. This is why I prefer "Broadway Melody of 1936" (1935).
Female tap-dancers are often presented kind of semi-nude. Maybe this is the reason why Ginger didn't get much chances, because people preferred those solid 'goddesses'. Well I'm skinny myself and I hate those semi-nude rags. And actually I need to see Ginger tapping solo, because I learn best from an also-skinny body. But hm, hm, hm ... you merely get what you want.
Fioraon, you wanted pics. Remember???
Next post will be deleted after some time, so better get that address soon.
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ReplyDeleteFioraon said...
ReplyDelete"Eleanor Parker had the solid legs ..."
Oh-oh, I meant Eleanor Powell - never heard of this Eleanor [telephone rings ... ... ... aha, DAMES and BORN TO DANCE (with Eleanor Powell, nice coincident!) finally came over] ...
Looks I'm going to see Eleanor's "solid legs" today on screen, Fioraon. :) - Ugh, DAMES too - might turn out to be a long night today. I must-must-must rush to the shop now!!!
But before I'll go, I post the pics to you.
Clarissa -- You're right. I misspoke. I certainly meant Eleanor Powell as her number with Fred in Broadway Melody of 1940 is regarded as an all time great tap number. I'm not trying to disparage Ms. Powell for indeed she was a huge talent. I merely think Ginger had divine legs to go with a fantastic body and simply looked better with Fred than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pics, Clarissa. Pigs make me smile, and apparently they did for Ginger, too.
That must have looked funny, Eleanor and Fred dancing together, because she has really huge curves! Fred must look like a dwarf then. In dancing lady it is so, because Joan Crawford has those curves too. When dances in the Burlesque House first, she has really the mightiest hips of all the girls on stage. Saw Broadway Melody 1940 in the shop, but the music is to modern to me.
ReplyDelete...quite a bit of discussion here! Of course, there's nothing left to add, except ditto, in regards to the traits and qualities of Miss Rogers... but I will also say Eleanor was indeed a great tapper... but yes, I would rather watch Ginger.. (surprised? :-P) ...BTW, is it just me, or does Eleanor Powell favor Kathleen Turner in the face? Well, at least in one of the movies I saw with her...it had Red Skelton in it - think she made a few with him.
ReplyDeleteAs for the ...ahem, 'hips' discussion, not going to delve into that topic...hopefully y'all KNOW I am smarter than THAT... but what do the modern kids say - 'hips don't lie'? :-} But again, yes, Ginger is awesome in that respect, also... wouldn't ya call her 'petite'? Or am I REALLY delving into uncharted Huey waters? ...methinks the latter applies...
OK - off to work!
KIG, y'all - VKMfanHuey
Hey, this was just girls talk! So don't complain if you blush ... To us this is all natural and unspectacular.
ReplyDeleteIt can be absolutely essential to know, that a skinny male dancer looks better with a skinny girl. Ginger was very skinny and right for Fred. What problem do you have with HIPS? Hips are just body-parts like knees and elbows.
Eleanor was technically top in the 30s. But her tricks are sometimes to much to me (I prefer tap in small doses, without overdoing and I don't want to become invalid by tapping) - more on my actual issue ...
VKMfan said...
ReplyDelete"... wouldn't ya call her 'petite'?"
Is "petite" negative? You can call it skinny or petite. She is a very well trained petite. She has quite strong muscles, we see that in THE MAJOR & THE MINOR: Her naked legs as little girl look well trained. But this doesn't change the type, because her bone-structure is petite. Very convincing as little Susu. Like on this picture you presented recently:
Well, I like it - it looks good. Sometimes I feel she's the cutest daughter a mother could wish to have.
And another point - did anybody read this:
I knew something wasn't okay with Cary, but that bad ... - I'd say Ginger had a perfect inclination to run into most problematic men. She wasn't stupid, no - not at all. I think it was just kind of childlike innocence.
...well, I am kinda confused as to the difference between 'petite' and 'skinny'... to me, 'petite' means a somewhat 'smaller' framed person, but proportioned 'normally' (or in Ginger's case, extrordinally (like THAT'S a word :-] )) ...anyway, 'skinny' conjures up 'lanky', 'bony', 'gangly'...none of which are remotely Ginger. now, I COULD be wrong about these definitions...
ReplyDelete...and, BTW, I have NO problem with hips... none whatsoEVER... :-P ...Ginger was 'small-waisted / hipped' to say the least... but I think you know my feelings towards her...
man - this is kinda a sticky conversation - hard to talk about 'physical attributes'... let's just say Ginger is pretty dang awesome, any way ya slice it... :-P
a somewhat befuddled VKMfan
I'm confused too.
ReplyDeleteWell, confusion loves company, CS! :-)
Happy 7th Anniversary! I recently rekindled my adoration for Ms. Rogers (thank you, TCM) and just discovered your site about a month ago. Thank you for all the interesting info and pix of her. This is great!