
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ginger Trivia, Round Three...

Hopefully I am not in Ginger's doghouse for the long wait between posts... but she IS beautiful when angry, no? (actually, she just looks kinda...bored in this pic... but beautiful nevertheless!!!)

...I returned to work last Tuesday, after about a week, and things were quite backed up... not THAT bad, but enough to command the bulk of my time... as a result, G-ology has been dormant for a few days... BUT NO MORE! It is back with a vengeance, or at least hopefully more entertaining facts concerning our Miss Rogers, as we submit another installment of "Ginger Trivia!" And, as always, if anything is 'questionable' please open the floor for discussion regarding the issue... :-) And, the answers are, as always, just below the 'Master Movie List' on the right side of this page...
QUESTION ONE: How many times did Ginger appear SOLO on the cover of Life magazine?
QUESTION TWO: What department store chain hired Ginger in the early 1970's as a "Traveling Fashion Consultant"?
QUESTION THREE: How tall was Ginger? (not counting the high heels she did everything backwards in!) - within an inch either way.
QUESTION FOUR: Which movie (inexplicably) dubbed in another female singer for Ginger?
QUESTION FIVE: What year did Lela Rogers Die?
QUESTION SIX: What was the first movie Ginger made outside "The Continental" (pun intended)United States?
QUESTION SEVEN: What movie did Ginger turn down where she would have played Jimmy Stewart's love interest, and which is now arguably Stewart's most famous movie?
QUESTION EIGHT: Ginger used to use this word at the end of many of her autographs, and also uses it as the ending thought of her biography. What is it?
QUESTION NINE: Ginger was one of "WAMPA'S Baby Stars of 1932". What is "WAMPA" an acronym for?
QUESTION TEN: Sad finish to this round, but... in what cemetery (name and city) is Ginger buried?


  1. Oh, nice questions! I got a 9/10. I only missed #9. I had no idea what that stood for. Lol!

  2. Badly yet again... I'm just hopeless. I didn't know Ginger was buried at Oakwood Memorial!! I'll visit. :)


  3. Jen - WOW - that's good! You, my friend are a master Gingerologist! I go back and look at these after the fact and think before I did it, I would probably not know even half of the anwers...I try to make them a bit challenging, but informative as well... will probably post another round this weekend, and I also want to put a few pix on the site, too... some which hopefully are not as 'familiar' to most! Hope you get your 'ratio' balanced! I had some issues with that, too - if you do upload stuff, it generally takes care of it...but gain, $$$ is really the most direct route, for better or worse...

    Lauren - hang in there, FQ! :-) ..yeah, #10 is one of those which is sad, but just have to know! And, I guess if I ever make it out there, yeah, I will go pay my respects, too... she is next to Lela. Fred is also there somewhere, and I'm sure heaps of other movie are no doubt much more familiar with it than I am...which got me to thnking, is Ginger's house in Beverly Hills still there? There's a fair pic of it in her biography, and I think her address, or at least the road it is on... most likely it has been razed, but then again, maybe not. It would be SO cool to see that, tho...

  4. Answers to 'Ginger Trivia' - Round THREE
    Answer ONE: Three
    Answer TWO: J.C. Penney
    Answer THREE: 5 foot - 4-1/2 inches
    Answer FOUR: "Professional Sweetheart"
    Answer FIVE: 1977
    Answer SIX: "Twist of Fate (aka Beautiful Stranger)" -1954
    Answer SEVEN: "It's a Wonderful Life"
    Answer EIGHT: "Blessings"
    Answer NINE: Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers
    Answer TEN: Oakwood Memorial Park - Chatsworth, California
