...but been busy... and a lot of heavy things happening...
Most sadly is the passing of my mother-in-law just a little over a month after my Father-in-law passed away in early April. The only real way to describe it was 'broken heart syndrome'... they have been married over 53 years (and still counting in Heaven), and she just simply could not function without him... my wife Greta, who is a nurse, says this happens quite often when one of a married couple dies, the other one soon follows them. Bottom line, they are together again, which is the only way one can look at it.Thanks for all of y'all's prayers and thoughts during this time - obviously tough on Greta and my brother-in-law at this time, as well as for me and our kids...
Hopefully some Gingery programming will commence soon... I am pretty swamped with 'work-work', but gradually clearing out of it... I had a definite 'GingerMoment' today while talking to a random member (I field questions regarding building code compliance) - they noted they had an existing, historic building, built in 1911... which obviously caught my attention... but when told it was located in... Virginia, that was just a bit too coincidental... a gentle 'prod' by our girl to get me back on the GingerTrail, perhaps? eh, I like to think so... so with that, I'll try to get things cranking here again soon...
Until then...
My apartment bedroom
2 weeks ago
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