
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

...GingerFilms List...

...well, it looks like it's time for Hu to make a 'new' list of GingerFilms...
Not sure this will be of interest, but... wondering if any of y'all have something similar... this is the 'Master List' which Hu has used the last 5-6 years with regards to the catalog of GingerFilms - although at this point I'm pretty sure I can roll thru all of these in order... as can most of y'all... But this list has helped out in quite a few GingerEndeavors... such as general availability of GingerFilms, quick reference for blog post info, and also to aide in that perpetual 'GingerQuote' game over on FB...

Looking at it, not sure what some of the highlighting / markups are on there... the only highlight which I can verify is the pink ones, which are the films where I've compiled the actors / actresses Ginger worked with... for the This Day in Gingerology posts...dang, I've still a ways to go in THAT endeavor...

The 'DVD', 'TCM' and 'OOO' in front of each film indicates the form in which I own the given GingerFilm... although I've bought all the DVDs of GingerFilms which are currently available... the 'DNH' stands for 'Do Not Have'...which of course is limited to Hat Check Girl (which is at least in existence, thankfully) and the two 'early shorts' which are generally unaccounted for... wish SHE would compile a new list for me...

...speaking of which, the order of films here are as compiled by Ginger in her bio... which is the 'gold standard' regarding the order of GingerFilms...even if it is 'technically' incorrect, chronologically... so...THERE!!! Yeah, yeah, IMDb as well as TCM has some differences in the order or release for several of the films (especially in the 1933-1934 timeframe), and are most likely more accurate, but... Ginger... ...supersedes, y'all...

The few words scrawled on this sheet are generally dates when a GingerFilm was airing somewhere... and the most interesting is the 'Ginger 144, Natalie 25' note, which was voting results from the Classic Film Actress contest over at Monte's blog 'All Good Things' from a few years back... sorry, Ms. Wood...

So, time to retire this list and type out a new one... I guess... probbaly will add data here... most notably, need to add Ginger's character names, as well as the running times for each film. Not a bad project to do for the new year...

Well, hope all of y'all had a great Christmas, and any other observance / holiday you observe...



Friday, December 16, 2016


...alright, y'all... what is UP?
...looks like Ginger is tidying up the ol' barn for the Advent Season... of course, every year, we here at Gingerology run thru some Gingery Christmas Films... but to be honest, I don't think we've ever broken down the few GingerFilms which are set during Christmastime, or at least which give the APPEARANCE of such... SO, I'm gonna go down the list and try to remember these films... feel free to call out anything I miss...

The first film chronologically which Ginger is involved with Christmas is Finishing School (of all films!), where she tries to get Francey there (I can't remember character names, save for Ginger's... for the most part) to go with her back home for the Christmas break... of course, Ms. Dee had OTHER plans...

...well, technically, it KINDA seems like Star of Midnight is sorta during the Yuletide season... Ginger certainly LOOKS all furry and fine here... of course, she needs to snuff out that snipe and rinse out that mimosa vessel... but, even with all the bad stuff here, she STILL is radiant... analysis, there's really no Christmas-y stuff going on in this film... eh, maybe the title throws me...

...of course, it's all snowy (and sometimes frosty) in Swing Time... no real MENTION of Christmas, but... any snow scene is a candidate... right? Well, unless you're in Nome or something, where it's pretty much all the time snowing...

...Seems like Vernon and Irene were pretty festive... this scene is where they ultimately get hitched, which is sometime in the snowy season... there are a lot of scenes here which are wintery... the 'Fox Trot' demonstration where Ginger has the 'poodle' outfit on is VERY Christmas-like, to me... although not sure what the connection between Christmas and Poodles is...

...OK, Bachelor Mother is a TRUE Christmas film, IMHO... I mean, Polly starts off as a 'Holiday Associate' for the ol' store there... Merlin... and winds up with a very unique present. It's truly one of my fave GingerFilms, even without the Christmas angle...

...Miss Kitty had her ups and downs, and, although it's not too clear as to the 'real time' point of the year, it's snowing quite profusely, so... just kind of SEEMS Christmas-time... the snow globe helps this cause...

...I'll Be Seeing You... perhaps the MOST Christmas-y GingerFilm... of course some pretty heavy issues afoot, but... a hopeful ending... I would have liked to have seen it wrap up after the 'tours of duty' were completed... ...BTW, I've probably said it before, but Spring Bynington is by FAR the best Ginger Mom on film (other than Lela herself, of course...) ...well, she's an Aunt here, but... close enough...

...and, that's all I got... I KNOW I've missed some Christmas scenes from other GingerFilms, but... that's where YOU come in... help me out. y'all...

And with that, we here at Gingerology hope you and yours have a VERY Merry and Joyous Christmas!!! And/or any other observance you partake in at year's end!

Until later...

KIG, y'all!!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy ThanksGinger!!!

...still my fave Ginger Thanksgiving pic, even if a bit...'staged'... but Pilgrim Ginger is pretty awesome!

Well, hope y'all all have a great Thanksgiving, and the food prep goes effortlessly for all you food preppers out there (I'm more of the 'end-user' on the food deal on Thanksgiving... I have been the designated 'turkey fryer' the last few years, but we are just going for the traditional 'oven bird' this year...)
Ginger chickens....well, yeah... but those dudes over Ginger's left shoulder aren't safe this week... I swear that tall one looks kinda like the Loch Ness Monster...

And of course, keep in mind what this is all about... giving THANKS... so let me take this opportunity to thank all of Y'ALL out there who have followed this blog over the years... hard to believe it's been 7-1/2 years... but it's SO great to know there are other Gingerologists out there who share the same level of interest for all things GR.
...ah, Ginger on a float... Macy's is still rolling with the parade, although quite frankly I don't know any of the 'stars' which are current... perhaps they can just show re-runs of parades past... I know most of the cartoon balloons...

Hope to be posting more stuff soon...

Until then...

KIG, y'all!!!!


Monday, November 7, 2016


...well, not really... although if I ever wanted to 'write-in' someone given the 'true' choices this go-round, THIS would definitely be the year... hmmmm....

...OK, y'all know I NEVER talk about politics here at Gingerology, or over on FB, as I am generally not immersed in the political system - I just know the basic facts and try to avoid too much of the 'analysis'... but... as this is truly one of the most important elections EVER (they are all important, tho, right?) I HAVE been watching and listening a good bit more - and here's my thoughts about it.

We truly do not have a great option.

BUT... ya GOTTA vote... it's your civic scratch that - it's your PRIVILEGE as an American citizen, which was secured by generations of fighting men and women in war, as well as on the home-front, who have kept this country free, and who fought for equal voting rights for ALL.

Case in point: The U.S. had just passed the 19th Amendment allowing women to vote about 10-12 years before Ginger's point in time was captured above, when she became old enough to register.

We all know Ginger's leanings politically, and hey, generally, I'm with her (pardon the current candidate slogan pun...). But it would have been interesting to know what Ginger would have thought about a female candidate, political leanings notwithstanding... it is a great thing to see 'diversity' in the political system, to the level of president... and a female president would be GREAT, in my opinion... just... ANOTHER one... without the issues... and issues.... and... issues.

As to the other candidate... he is touted as a 'change agent', which sounds pretty great on the surface, but... who knows how all of that will play out? I'm for some of his ideas, not as big on others (I'll let y'all guess those)... but... it is pretty hard to overlook his faults... needs to think before speaking, although his supporters like his 'straightforward' attitude... but...dudes who marginalize / trivialize women are not too high on my list, y'all... 

So... quite the conundrum, eh?

The answer?'s a real Jenny type of decision, with the potential for horrific consequences if indecisive...

...Actually, the answer is THIS... the only wrong decision you can make is... NOT VOTING...

Remember, it's a BIG part of what it means to be an American.

SO, hold your nose,  flip a coin if you have to, and VOTE... heck, there's a couple of local amendments here which are big to me (Local folks vote YES on Amendment 14 in Alabama!) so that is enough reason to stand in line... again... exercise your right and privilege which others fought for you to have!!!

OK, my once every four years political rant is over...

If all else fails, just...

Keep It Gingery,Y'all!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

...Happy Gingerween, Y'all...

...well, it's hard to believe that October is dang near over... before you know it, the turkeys will be stringing Christmas lights and dropping the ball  on Saint Valentine's Day... but we're getting ahead of ourselves... let's just focus on the Halloween deal...
...Ginger is chomping at the bit for trick or treat... As a rule, Hu is not really all that 'into' All Hallow's Eve, but it appears that Ginger at least had fun with it, so... that's cool with me.
As to 'Scary Ginger Moments' in film, here are a few I compiled... I'm sure there are more, but late Sunday Night dictates the following as all I could think of...

...Here's a pretty intense scene... from Black Widow... Well, if y'all haven't seen it...

SPOILER ALERT!!!! Gloss over the next few lines past the GIF below if you haven't seen this film!!!

OK, I've alerted y'all who need it... so... skip on down... yeah, that's right...

...well, for those who are left... this scene is really a pretty 'unGingery' one... and pretty scary, at least for the chicky there... ...probably a good argument for you ladies to not wear neck scarves...


...Next up, a bit 'lighter' scare, but definitely in keeping with modern day 'creepy clown' themes... ...yeah, y'all know where I'm headed with this one... Get yer Yama-Yamas out with Vernon and Irene..., I'm not into clowns, but... Ginger is, as usual, a VERY notable exception... she's so cute here it's painful... in a most exhilarating way, of course...


NEXT next up... one of the few 'horror / suspense' films Ginger did, this one from The Thirteenth Guest...which is really a bit scary, especially for 1932... I guess...
...yeah, not too big on someone freaking out my girl... grrrr.... 


Well, although Ginger had a few 'damsel in distress' roles, for the most part, she was doling out the pain on others, as in this classic knife-wielding scene from Fifth Avenue Girl...
...somehow, giving Ginger a weapon is kinda like giving Godzilla a BIC lighter... she just doesn't need any more help... other words, she can do bad all by herself...


...Another case in point, where she goes dawg huntin' in Carefree...
Freddie's having his on Nightmare on Skeet Street in this scene...


...although, sometimes Ginger can be serene in the face of evil... Oh Men (i.e., gooberhead), Oh Women (i.e., angelic goddess)...
...sigh... Ginger is just... ...well, y'all know... ....SIIIIGGGHHH.....  OK... onward...


Well, honestly, that's about all of them, although this scene from You Said A Mouthful STILL seems pretty 'bloody' to me just at face value...'s like Joe E. Brown is saying, "Don't worry, I'll be back to smooch ya again after I go slaughter some more people with my bare hands..." know, just keeping in the spirit of the season, y'all..., alrighty then...

Well, with that, that's that... that it is.

I'm sure I missed a few 'scary / weird' scenes here and there, so please reply with them...

Hope y'all have a great Halloween if you desire... otherwise... just have a good Monday / Tuesday, depending on your global position.

KIG, Y'all!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

...New GingerPic Header!!!

...after much wailing and gnashing of teeth from within the Worldwide Headquarters of Gingerology, a new GingerHeader pic, as shown above... captures the 'Younger Ginger' quite well, no? Bonus points for anyone out there who can tag this pic to a GingerFilm... it appears to be a 'feathery' costume, thus... Top Hat?

...and... ...good to be back! Back from WHAT, I'm not quite sure, but... all I know is it's time to get back into the Gingerology in toto...With that, I have a LOT of 'collating' to do... from transferring GingerFiles from my old laptop to my new desktop I am going to set up new files throughout... of course a major task which I am somehow not great at 'completing'... but it's gonna have to be done somehow...

With that, hope to be back to 'regular' posting here...

So - Stay Tuned - and...

Keep It Gingery, y'all!!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 is it still September?

....dang time is just chug-a-lugging onward...

Well, it's been busy... the kids are back at school, so homework assistance and early bedtimes... that, coupled with a pretty busy work schedule the last few months, and Hu has been a good bit out of pocket, unfortunately...
...and as I was just looking thru the 'Day in Gingerology' posts, I noticed that it was FOUR years ago Hu and the Crew went to Boston U to check out the GingerCentury exhibit... dang... I STILL love that pic right there... I can't remember who told me prior to the trip to snap that one from the 'collage' they had displayed, but thanks again, as I've never seen it anywhere else...

Well, to multiply the 'things which get in the way of Gingeryness' factor, I also purchased a new computer -my old laptop, which runs Windows 7, is just about out of juice... I may try to update it to 10, as it incessantly reminded me to do over the last year or so... but not sure if it is 'physically' spent as well as 'behind the times', operating-system-wise...   ANYWAY, my new one is cool... a desktop - the old 'tower' deal... an ASUS... so far, so good... coupled with a 27-inch Samsung monitor and a backlit keyboard, I'm ready to GingerUP, y'all!!!
I want to get back on the GingerBinge deal... and also back on the LIFE magazine project... while keeping up with basic GingerNews going on...

SO... here we go...

KIG, y'all!!!


Thursday, August 11, 2016


...well, FINALLY got the Kitty Foyle 'overview' done over on the KittyFoyle blog... well, not much text, but... trust me, y'all will dig it!
...this should give you a hint as to the content of the post over there... I love how she kinda pokes her jaw out at the end of this loop...

Well, on to the next pick... this weekend, for sure...

Until then -


Monday, August 1, 2016


... no, not the Rob Halford version... the...
KITTY FOYLE version!

GingerBinge summer continues with the apex of Ginger's career, her Academy-Award-winning performance as an office girl from the 'working side' of Philly, Miss Kitty Foyle... folks wonder which GingerFilm is my fave, and, while it's pretty impossible to choose, there's NO way Kitty could EVER be left out of the conversation. Also a bit weird I pulled this one directly after Perfect Strangers, in the sense that Dennis Morgan occurs in each... hmmm....
Most Gingerologists know this film coming and going, but for those newer ones out there, this one is truly one of the 'must-watch' GingerFilms... it's "wall-to-wall Ginger", which in and of itself would put it towards the top of the list, but her work here is perfect... Kitty gets to you pretty quick...

Well, this one has to get the attention it deserves, so... TENTATIVELY, I'm going to get the viewing in tomorrow and update the KittyFoyle blog... should be pretty fun.

As for the future, I have the two young 'uns headed back to school in a week or so, so... the viewings will predictably wane a bit, in favor of homework assistance... hope to keep up as much as possible, and the goal now is to view the rest of the GingerFilms by the end of the year... a reasonable goal, no???

Well, hope everyone out there is having a great summer (or winter, depending upon your spot on the orb), and of course, keeping it GINGERY!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2016


...Strangers! GingerBinge has FINALLY resumed, with a pretty dang cool film which teams our girl up with that swarthy Strafford dude Kitty kept having to shake...
...but each are a bit older and wiser Ten Years After... and, they would Love To Change The World... or at least their world, as they hopelessly fall for each other... but extenuating circumstances may well prevent their desired harmonic convergence... (not sure why I am doling out all these hippie references... just Work With Me, Annie...)

Anyway, mosey on over to the PerfectStrangers blog for the ===POST=== regarding the GingerBinge viewing... and also make sure to check out the 'pages', as there are new screencaps, publicity stills, and even a few GIFs... I'm dangerous with that deal, y'alllllllll...

Hope everyone has a great week and weekend wherever you may be... and stay tuned on FB for the next 'filmpick' for the continuing GingerBinge Summer... which is invariably going to ooze into autumn... GingerAutumn sounds cool anyway, right?

KIG, y'all!!!


Monday, July 18, 2016

...current GingerBinge film... Perfect Strangers!
...plan on watching this 'courtroom drama' with Ginger and her old buddy, Dennis Morgan tomorrow night (Monday evenings are a bit hectic here at Gingerology headquarters, y'all...) But as I recall, this one is a pretty neat film, a typical drama from the early 50s, with the no-nonsense attitude of the Brothers Warner... as you can see from the publicity pic, Ginger is just flippin' radiant as usual... and Morgan, despite being a two-time loser in the Ginger Leading Man category, seems to be one of Ginger's fave leading men...

...Hope everyone had a great weekend, including the Gingertennial+5 festivities! Honestly, we just cleaned up some around the house, which in some weird way I think Ginger would have appreciated...



Saturday, July 16, 2016


... Miss Rogers' 105th birthday!!! Celebrate this great day with some Gingery actions!
...late night for Hu and the Crew, but just noting our favorite day of the year with a post... will get the VOTE up for the new Gingerology 'header pic' soon (the one here may well be a candidate... most likely my fave 'non-blonde' GingerPic) ...and of course the GingerBinge Summer Film Festival will continue - look for a new pick tomorrow!

And with that...hope all you Gingerologists out there have a great Gingery weekend!!!



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

...New GingerBinge Summer film for viewing IS...

...Don't Bet on Love!!!
...this one's special for a few reasons, but PRIMARILY because Ginger is teamed up with her soon to be husband (i.e., Gooberhead #2), Lew Ayres...  Ginger wrote in very glowing terms in her bio that Ayres was her dream man... ...sigh... which makes him all the more a GOOBERHEAD! - sorry... anyway, this is one of the dozen or so films Ginger was a part of in 1933, and, while not a great film, it does give us some interaction between Ginger and Lew, which is interesting, and is, as ALL are, honestly, required Gingerologist viewing...
She is VERY glowing in spots of this film, documenting her love for Ayres... he seems to have that same look... but, as for the film proper... it's a neat little tale, if not very predictable.

Well, I'll write up a few things over on the DBOL blog... and will update this post when THAT post is... posted...

UPDATE: HERE it is...

...and a general FYI - it's a bit much to watch a film AND do the blog 'overviews', so... henceforth on the Summer GingerBinge I may well watch one night, and do the 'overview' stuff the next... just sayin'...

Until next time...

KIG, y'all!!!


Saturday, July 9, 2016

...back to the GingerBinge, shall we?

...well, had a few 'end of the week' happenings which have 'delayed' the GingerBinge summer... which is a drag, but... let's get back to it, shall we?
...well, the PICK we are currently on is... SWING TIME! ...the poster above is cool, but... that AIN'T Ginger... looks kinda like Misty Rowe who was on Hee-Haw... ask your parents...

ANYWAY, Hu will view what most (including Ginger) consider G&F's best film... I've seen it a gazillion times, but... will look for 'subtleties' to report... sure there are plenty.

UPDATE: HERE is the link to the GingerBinge Summer review for SwingTime...

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and remember... one week away from Gingertennial +5!!!

KIG, y'all!!!


Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Well, on this day seven long (or short, depending on where you are standing) years ago, Hu created Gingerology... The Beautiful Science of Miss Ginger Rogers! At first, I was just going to make a 'general blog' in order to communicate with other folks who had Ginger blogs... but soon I figured out that Ginger is the ONLY reason I set UP a blog, so... Gingerology was born.
It's amazing that I've been able to keep things going for so long... not that there's EVER a shortage of Gingery Goodness, mind you, but in a medium which things seem to come and go at a rapid pace (i.e., the internet), it's cool to have this site persist, even with the barrage of awesomeness that is FaceBook.
On this anniversary/birthday/whatever, it may be a good time to 're-vamp' the blog a bit... nothing too drastic, mind you, but... noticeable... not the least of which is the 'header pic' for the blog... I love the current one, but, it's time for a change...'s where Y'ALL come in...

I am choosing three different GingerPics as candidates for the header... and (I think y'all probably know where this is headed...) a popular VOTE will determine the new Gingerology Header Pic!!! I'll post the 'official vote' post with the pictures up for candidacy in a few days (probably this weekend...), once again, THANKS so much for supporting this blog... it means a lot to me, and to y'all as well, I reckon, in that it's another avenue in which Ginger Rogers' legacy is documented and discussed, hopefully in an entertaining and educational manner... ...and, as evermore...

...Keep It Gingery, y'all!!!


Monday, July 4, 2016

SEVENTH GingerFilm... for the GingerBinge Summer... is... on this 240th Birthday of the U.S.A...

...MAGNIFICENT DOLL!!!, here's the deal... Hu has decided that on this special day, this film would be MOST apropos... thus no 'grab bag' deal, but a straight up 'pick for the day'... I still produced a painstakingly complex video over on FaceBook, so please go check it out...
...I'll post the "post-view-review" over on the MagDoll blog, and UPDATE here, as usual...

 UPDATE: HERE is the post over on the MagnificentDoll blog...

...all I know is that Ginger is mind-numbingly beautiful in this one...

Everybody have a VERY Gingery fourth!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

...the SIXTH GingerBinge film is...

...Suicide Fleet!
...another one of Ginger's first films, and one of the 'original RKO-Pathe Trio'... not a bad film, although Ginger is pretty absent after the first 20 minutes or so... and somewhat apropos for the holiday, as it is a 'war film' of sorts... 

I viewed it pretty late Saturday evening, so... I will post the GingerBlog overview in the morning... and I'll update here to add the link.

UPDATE: ...the link to the 'overview' for the GingerBinge viewing of Suicide Fleet is HERE...

Hope everyone has an incredible Independence Day!!!



Monday, June 27, 2016

...The FIFTH course of the GingerBinge....

...has been posted on the FB..., we roll back from the (technically) LAST GingerFilm to the FIRST, in... Young Man of Manhattan...

UPDATE: The FIFTH GingerBinge film is... Young Man of Manhattan... HERE's the link to the Gingerfilm blog for YMOM...


Sunday, June 26, 2016

The FOURTH GingerBinge Selection Video...

...has been posted on FB... go check it out... and turn it up LOUD for the best effect... ;-)   the music selection for this pick was selected by Ms. Tremont personally... perhaps...

check back SOON for the link to the GingerFilm blog...

UPDATE: The FOURTH GingerBinge film is... The Confession...a.k.a. Seven Different Ways...a.k.a. Quick! Let's Get Married!... HEREs the link to the Gingerfilm blog for TC/SDW/QLGM...


Saturday, June 25, 2016

the THIRD GingerBinge Summer Film is REVEALED....

...over on FB... CHECK out the background music... the request of various Gingerologists world-wide... this will vary considerably over time, but not a bad 'first tune'... WOULD use GingerTunes, but I feel it may... SKEW the selection process... if I'm playing 'The Continental', for example, and Divorcee pops up, wouldn't that be...weird? So, I'll just play tunes which Ginger most likely liked... and maybe a few that HU likes... you may or may not be able to tell the difference... ;-)

check back SOON for the link to the GingerFilm blog...

UPDATE: The THIRD GingerBinge film is... You Said a Mouthful... HEREs the link to the Gingerfilm blog for YSAM...


Thursday, June 23, 2016

...Night TWO of the the GingerBinge Summer!!!

...the Gingerfilm is revealed... over on FB... I'll update the pick after I watch it, for those who don't 'do' FB... not sure why anyone at this point would not partake in endless pics, vids, and discussion regarding Ginger, but... hey...

check back for the link to the GingerFilm blog...

UPDATE: The SECOND GingerBinge film is... Lady in the Dark... HERE'S the link to the Gingerfilm blog for LITD...


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

,,,the FIRST GingerBinge film has been revealed...

...go check on FaceBook (my page or whatever) to watch the drawing of the FIRST film to be viewed by Hu in the Summer of Ginger!!!

UPDATE... The film, in case you don't know, is... Tom Dick and Harry... Just finished watching it... go to THIS blog for a bit of post-viewing thoughts from Hu...

I will head over to the appropriate GingerFilm blog and post some random musings there later tonight... nothing too earth-shattering...  and this will not be a 'ranking' deal as was the case with the GingerFilm reviews... which has stalled in the middle of Top Hat, since it's pretty impossible to compare films from the 'peak' of her career... this will just be a 'random thoughts' exercise and an opportunity to 'tidy up' these GingerFilm blogs I set up many months ago...

Anyway... go check out the 'reveal' vid on FB... should be a pretty neat starting film...

Until tomorrow!



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

...Is It Tomorrow ALREADY?

...Well, a few things have gotten in the way of starting the 'GingerBinge' proper for tonight... and of course, Miss Glory is REAL agitated about that... but ultimately, the fam and I were hashing out a vacation scheme for next week... looks like a 'go', so... at least we accomplished THAT...

Reiterating what the deal is - I'll post here with a video of myself drawing a card from the box... to reveal the GingerFilm for the evening... then I'll watch it... and most likely do a 'Post-viewing' entry on the GingerFilm blog (I'll link it to the 'drawing' post)... ...but NOT on G-ology... SO... we'll see how it goes... In the meantime, here's a 'test video' I shot while driving in Miami Beach... dang y'all... it takes quite a while for a vid to load up (I think blogger is on the verge of imploding anyway, y'all...) ...on second thought, I'll just load the 'reveal' video directly to FaceBook. So stay tuned over there (I just posted the 'Miami Test' on FB, and all appears well)...anyway, the exercise will begin in earnest TOMORROW night... hopefully...

Until then...



Monday, June 20, 2016

...Fellow Gingerologists... I Hereby Declare...

...THE SUMMER OF GINGER!!! WHAT, you may be thinking, does The Summer of Ginger entail?

...well...'s the deal. As of late, I have been QUITE dissatisfied with the 'output' of this blog... I figure y'all are as well... SO...

Summer begins in full tomorrow (or today, depending upon where on the orb you reside)... the season has more or less 90 days in it... Ginger made 70+ feature films... see where this is headed? Hu REALLY needs to roll thru the GingerCatalog in toto, just... BECAUSE...

Roughly... a GingerFilm a day for viewing, which is always a great thing... ...but, additionally, whichever GingerFilm is chosen for a given day, its accompanying blog will get some love as well in the form of added pics and other stuff to 'update', until hopefully all GingerBlogs are in fair shape...

OK, well... what's in it for you, or me, you are probably saying... um... not sure, except, I'll be posting some stuff pretty much each day... most likely random musings from the film viewed the night before...

...SO... ...beginning tomorrow... I'll be choosing the first GingerFilm from the 'deck' of cards I created specifically for this event from old unused Rolodex cards (yeah, I spare NO expense, y'all... ...and actually, I was just surprised that Spell Check actually caught "Rolodex" at all...) we'll see what shakes out...

Stay Tuned, y'all...


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Gingery Moment of the Day...

...was out shopping with the fam when I ran across a car with THIS tag:
...pretty cool, eh?

Well... obviously, this is a pretty special year for we Gingerologists, but... in actuality, this is representative of an African-American fraternity, which, strangely enough, two of which were established in 1911 - Kappa Alpha Psi, and Omega Psi Phi. Of the two, I think it's Kappa, as I've heard folks mention it here and there... but then again, I know VERY little about fraternities of ANY ethnicity... 

Anyway, just a cool GingerMoment...

Hope all is well for y'all out there...

