
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

,,,the FIRST GingerBinge film has been revealed...

...go check on FaceBook (my page or whatever) to watch the drawing of the FIRST film to be viewed by Hu in the Summer of Ginger!!!

UPDATE... The film, in case you don't know, is... Tom Dick and Harry... Just finished watching it... go to THIS blog for a bit of post-viewing thoughts from Hu...

I will head over to the appropriate GingerFilm blog and post some random musings there later tonight... nothing too earth-shattering...  and this will not be a 'ranking' deal as was the case with the GingerFilm reviews... which has stalled in the middle of Top Hat, since it's pretty impossible to compare films from the 'peak' of her career... this will just be a 'random thoughts' exercise and an opportunity to 'tidy up' these GingerFilm blogs I set up many months ago...

Anyway... go check out the 'reveal' vid on FB... should be a pretty neat starting film...

Until tomorrow!



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