... no, not the Rob Halford version... the...
KITTY FOYLE version!
GingerBinge summer continues with the apex of Ginger's career, her Academy-Award-winning performance as an office girl from the 'working side' of Philly, Miss Kitty Foyle... folks wonder which GingerFilm is my fave, and, while it's pretty impossible to choose, there's NO way Kitty could EVER be left out of the conversation. Also a bit weird I pulled this one directly after Perfect Strangers, in the sense that Dennis Morgan occurs in each... hmmm....
Most Gingerologists know this film coming and going, but for those newer ones out there, this one is truly one of the 'must-watch' GingerFilms... it's "wall-to-wall Ginger", which in and of itself would put it towards the top of the list, but her work here is perfect... Kitty gets to you pretty quick...
Well, this one has to get the attention it deserves, so... TENTATIVELY, I'm going to get the viewing in tomorrow and update the KittyFoyle blog... should be pretty fun.
As for the future, I have the two young 'uns headed back to school in a week or so, so... the viewings will predictably wane a bit, in favor of homework assistance... hope to keep up as much as possible, and the goal now is to view the rest of the GingerFilms by the end of the year... a reasonable goal, no???
Well, hope everyone out there is having a great summer (or winter, depending upon your spot on the orb), and of course, keeping it GINGERY!!!
My apartment bedroom
2 weeks ago
My goodness, did I forget to comment on Kitty?? Well, what more can we say? It was simply a practically perfect performance by Our Ginger! She earned her Oscar and more.... (Here's hoping you had a great weekend, Huey!) If you, the reader, haven't experienced the wonder of "Kitty Foyle," get thee to a copy one way or another and enjoy!!