
Monday, December 21, 2015

...On the Ninth Day of GINGER... ...on GINGEROLOGY...

...NINE Ladies Dancing...

...well, heck... THIS one's pretty easy...

...yupyupYUP!!!, for another angle to this day, check THIS out:
...this is one of Ginger's many incredible paintings... alas, only eight ladies, but... if there were NINE, I think I'd have been a bit freaked out...

Well, not much verbiage for this one (probably a GOOD thing...) with that, hope y'all are having a great time, and as we start this 'final week' before Christmas, hope all the "hay is in the barn" regarding your preparations... and no stress! This is to be a time of joy, peace, thanks, and reflection...NOT stress and worry.

Until day TEN...



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