
Wednesday, July 15, 2015


....well, there's a few pics of GingerBirthday festivities out there, but none as 'unique' as this one... I'm still not sure whose head that is plastered atop the cake-wielding lady... but no matter, as long as Ginger's happy, right?

It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since GingerTennial, and my visit to Independence... getting to meet Kat and Baby (who is not a baby anymore!), and talking to the owner of the birth house... with that, guess what... I'm headed back to KC on Saturday!

My wife's Aunt and Uncle have moved near there - Overland Park, Kansas, and we are going to check out the new house they built... and while I'm in the area, I will most likely scoot over to 100 West Moore in Independence, Missouri to see how the old house is holding up... last I heard, the owner was wanting to sell, but that was probably a few years back, at least... I'll document what I can...

...but for the here and NOW, it's time to CELEBRATE GINGER!!! However you see fit... I am unfortunately in the midst of 'tying up loose ends' at work before we leave town, so working at home as well... but my plan is to get back to GingerFilms HEAVY post-KC, and get this blog back into shape...

Well, with that, hope all of Y'ALL have a great GREAT GT+4, and please reply with how you plan (or DID) celebrate the day... of course, a good start is to...

...Keep It GINGERY!!!!



  1. Huey, keep up the good work! It may seems so, but there's a lot of Gingerlove out there still and you keep the flame lit! :)

    1. Thanks, Ron! Hope you are doing well! I'm about to embark on a vacation to KC, but will try to get some stuff going on here when I return.



  2. Replies
    1. ...thanks, Kat! Hope you and yours are doing grand! I'm gonna try to get back to West Moore, if just to see the 'current state' of the ownership... I might even try to check out the local records (wherever those are - library, most likely) to find some GingerInfo...

      I'll post upon return1


