
Monday, January 26, 2015

...Gingerbilia Theft!

...most of the FaceBook folks have seen this, but, in case there's someone who hasn't, here's a story regarding the theft of a piece of jewelry which belonged to Ginger... first off, here's the item:
...interesting in that it is a horoscope symbol of Ginger's 'sign', Cancer (which Hu happens to be one of as well) - it's been documented on G-ology what I think about astrology - (i.e., a bunch of HOOIE), and most likely what Ginger thought as well.  I would think that this was given to her by someone - wish I had a nickel for every gift / present Ginger received! 
Anyway, here's the  article - guess it's OK to slap this on here from a site...I'll link to it at the bottom just in case:

from the New York Daily News - Deborah Hastings
A transient in southern Oregon is accused of stealing a ruby and gold necklace that once was owned by Hollywood legend Ginger Rogers, police said.
The chain and pendant are worth up to $1,500, according to Medford authorities. Paul Michael Pedder, 57, sold it to a pawn shop for $424.37, cops said Thursday.
Pedder, who is homeless, had been performing day labor for a man who had bought the jewelry at an estate sale for Rogers, who owned a home on the Rogue River and spent considerable time in the area before her death in 1995.
The man noticed that the necklace, which has a pendant depicting the Zodiac sign of Cancer with an embedded ruby, was missing after Pedder finished work Jan 16.
Jackson County Sheriff's deputies arrested Pedder earlier this week and he admitted stealing the piece of jewelry, according to authorities.
He was charged with theft and burglary. He is being held in lieu of $40,000 bail.


 ...I think whoever wrote this (i.e., Deborah Hastings), or edited it, was a pretty knowledgeable Ginger fan, as they posted this pic along with it:
...from Top Hat - where ol' Jerry reminds Dale about how she liked 'collecting trinkets' in Paris, or Bora-Bora, or wherever...Barbara would know the exact dialouge here... But DEFINITELY a tip-off as to someone with Ginger knowledge...

Well, in the end, it's nice to know that the owner got his cool piece of Gingerbilia back... the robber dude didn't know he was going against a Ginger fan... who would fight to the end to retrieve stolen Gingerbilia!

Hope everyone has a great big ol' GINGERY week!!!



Monday, January 19, 2015

...Gingerology's First Post of 2015...

...yeah, yeah, 'bout dang time, right... I know Miss Tremont has been a bit ruffled with the lack of posting as of late...  
...and even though she's beautiful when angry, she's also quite dangerous in this state... so best be getting on with the post proper...

...First off, hope everyone had a great holiday season! We did quite well, but had some sickness bounce back and forth over the last weeks... currently Bam-Bam is a bit froggy... but on the mend.

As to what 2015 holds for Gingerology, well, the sky's the limit, right?
..BTW, still waiting for a framed one of this pic, to hang over my 'split-foyer'... well, if I can pass that with Mrs., might be tough there... anyway, this one is cool, if a bit 'different'...

It generally comes down to TIME, and hopefully that will be a bit better managed by your humble author... the goal here is to get the GingerFilm reviews cranked back up (we left off with Lady Dale, but didn't get to 'the Huey Treatment' for Top Hat... I'll get right on it... no, REALLY...) - it's a bit strange that I got to GingerFilm #35 before the 'hiatus'... wonder if I should pick up at 'Harlow' and work backwards, to have a 'Grand Finale' at roughly 'Swing Time'...

Other stuff should get cranking here soon as well... with the gobs of pics and info on FaceBook, the focus here at G-ology will most likely shift a bit... oh, don't worry, GingerPics will grace this blog QUITE prominently... but along with the resumption of GingerFilm Reviews, more 'HueyView' stuff will be going on... please throw out any topic to discuss, and...well, most likely we will discuss!

I would also love to add some GingerTunes on here... I'll have to figure it out... still not sure why music is so tough to place here, but not videos...

With that, THANKS for your continued support of this blog... starting the second half-decade of this puppy, and hope to keep it interesting, informative, and most of all...

...speaking of which...

 KIG, y'all!!!
