
Sunday, February 17, 2013

VKMfan Huey is now on FaceBook...

...I think... already have two folks 'friend-ed' or whatever...

FaceBook...HUEY?? No way!!! He barely functions in Blogger!!!

...believe it, Lady Tanka... and all topics on the page shall be dedicated to...well, do I REALLY have to explain it to y'all?

SO, if you desire, hop on FB and either search 'VKMfan', 'Huey', or 'South Gingerville' - that's honestly all the info I put, since I might end up having a 'general' FB page, and invite the masses or whatever... or, just shoot me an e-mail or reply here...

...well, I guess it IS possible... but I just can't see Hu managing a blog AND FaceBook... I mean, his lifestyle is FAR too strenuous as it is... what, with all of his business trips to exotic locales such as Bora Bora and Piscataway...

I had my wife's 'connection' included, and it pulled up all sorts of folks, many of which I know, but not many which would be interested in the workings of G-ology... SO, hopefully I can get all this rolling - I plan to use FB as a 'real time' update, message board, etc. for all things G-ology... it is NOT going to replace anything on this blog, but rather 'enhance' it...

...well, I hope Huey can figure all of this out... especially before pool season... he's gonna have to re-grout the tile accents...

AND, if y'all have ANY suggestions, advice, etc. - regarding Facebook, please share... I would like to get it as 'interconnected' as possible with the blog and whomever wants to be...interconnected with G-ology!

In other news...(well, it's about Ginger, of course...) ...I have 'cleaned up' the final caps for 'Roberta'... I'm shooting for the end of the weekend to crank out the 'alternate ending' tale...have a few ideas in my noggin as we speak...I am actually off on Monday, so... should have it in good shape by then...

...ummm-hmmm...we've heard THAT before..., REALLY!!! Until that time, hope y'all...

Keep it Gingery!!  ...and y'all holler at me on FB, y'hear? :-)



  1. yay!!!! You'll need to put a facebook button on this page to make it easier for folks to follow you there. :)

    1. exactly... but... how? Er...I will get right on that, Ms. Gingerella!!! ...hey, have you ever thought of using the 'handle' of "Betsy Gingerella"? Pretty dang cool, if you ask me!



    2. I found this....

    3. ...thanks, Betsy! I honestly couldn't figure out the route they had there (big surprise for me), but it DEFINITELY got me in the ball park!!!



  2. Haha, never thought you would've joined. When I got your friend request I was like WOAH.

    Well if you need any help, you can just message me on there.
    And can't wait for the alternate plot! :D


    1. ...yeah, ain't it weird? I hope to get it into some type of 'usable' page or whatever... its sole purpose is to 'enhance' Gingerology by 'real time' updates, and hopefully connect with a 'potential audience' of new G-ologists!

      Thanks for the offer of help...I'll need it!


  3. I'm not much of a facebook fan but maybe if you are making it more Gingery, it might improve in my opinion. Don't break too much news there because I'll be over here wondering what is going on!

    1. ...well, you and me both, 'e'... I am still a bit 'weird-ed out' by having folks you haven't seen in 25 years up and say hey and start to yak with you...
      But the FB thing will be a 'dedicated' site solely reporting on Gingerology stuff... and it will hopefully be 'limited' to pure Gingerologists... so... you're in!

      KIG, 'e'!
