
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Final hours of the poll...

 ...looks like a race to the finish between Carefree and Top Hat... I knew a lot of y'all are big 'Carefree' fans (yeah, I am too!), so not surprised it is faring so well... a bit weird that 'Shall We Dance' is in last place, although I guess it has pretty tough's just one I am really the most familiar with, as my daughter loves that film...we watched it over and over...

Anyway, that's about all for now...hope y'all have a great is this the 'Independence Day weekend', or is that NEXT weekend? Well, heck... hope everyone celebrates all bloomin' week, how bout that???

The Divorcee review will appear in the weekend edition of G-ology...BANK on it... :-]

Until then...



  1. Final Poll Results:

    Carefree - 19
    Top Hat - 16
    The Gay Divorcee - 11
    Follow The Fleet - 8
    Shall We Dance - 3

  2. "...The Divorcee review will appear in the weekend edition of G-ology...BANK on it... :-] ", notice I didn't say WHICH weekend...

    It's getting closer, y'all...all the screen caps are done...all 240+ of 'em... yep, I did NOT stutter... of course, most of those will end up in the Divorcee film site...

    Hope all is well out there - KIG!

