
Saturday, July 16, 2011

...a great day!

Well, had a very cool Gingertennial!

Met F&G-Mad at 100 West Moore Street around 10 am or so... wonderful to meet you and your daughter! they are en route to Hollywood to check out Ginger's digs out there. Safe journeys, F&G-M!!!

We met the owner of the house, who was very cordial to us...took plenty of pics, and got to find out a few things about the house 'status'...sounds like it is in pretty good hands.

After we left the birthplace, I, along with my wife and son (Bam-Bam), went over to 3306 Bellefountaine...yup, it's a vacant lot... But just to say I've been there, ya know?

We went on to lunch with our hosts, and checked out some shopping... Then came home for a bit, then barbecue for supper tonight.

We have gobs of pics, so will be posting when we get back to the Ham on Wednesday. In the meantime, thanks for all the posts - again, I will definitely get back with each of you next week...hope everyone had an unforgettable Gingertennial!!!

KIG, Y'all!!!!



  1. ...a footnote... I will be posting in detail about today's activities after getting back home... It was truly a very surreal experience to be standing on the front porch of that great old place! I hope to be able to convey the experience a bit better...
    Thanks to all of you for supporting and following's a neat thing to know so many folks still love Ginger...she is just SO great, y'all!!!

    This will probably be my last 'trip post''s been a bit tough on these mobile devices, although I am on an iPad now, which is pretty neat... But y'all know how I like to post pics, so... Stay tuned.


  2. That's so great! I can't wait to see the pics :D


  3. Same here, can't wait! It must have been magic...Have a safe journey home :)

  4. Huey -- I was hoping you would meet up with F&G-Mad. How neat is that!!!! The world is a huge place yet a big Ginger fan from the UK and one from the Ham, connected in the cyber world, meet at the place of a great lady's birth. What a cool way to celebrate Ginger's 100th! And it's so nice and fitting that the current owner showed the kind of class and hospitality that Ginger displayed throughout her life. Looking forward to a more detailed story and the pics!

  5. Hey,

    was great meeting ya yesterday! Good to hear ya went and saw 3306 Bellefountaine, it may just be a lot now but its got its place!
    Enjoy the rest of ya trip and have a safe journey home :)

    Greetings from New Mexico :)

  6. Well-well-well, if things are crazy and swell at the same time, it's this cute little story about global meeting of two Gingery pilgrim parties!

    I like that ;o)
