
Monday, November 16, 2009

...Another Reminder...

...about tomorrow morning's KILLER double feature on TCM, "Rafter Romance" (9am Eastern) and "20 Million Sweethearts" (10:15am Eastern)... both of these are 'must-haves' for me!


  1. VKM....I'm ashamed to say it took me a moment to figure out what that! Thanks for the reminder. I'll be able to hit record on the VCR as I'm heading out the door for work.

  2. Already have the timer set!!! I've been waiting to record Twenty Million Sweethearts for ages now! :D

  3. I'm really excited about these two! I love Rafter Romance (watched it on YouTube)!

  4. I'm getting the RR DVD version, and I know I have 20MS somewhere... Seems like it would be more fun to watch them on TV though.


  5. Swell!!-- Thanks for the reminder. We actually get TCM at my college-- whew!

  6. Juliette... WHAT? There is no TV anywhere around here!


  7. Gingerella - Hope the recording went well! Yes, I use 'VKM' quite a bit, because they are pretty 'unique' initials, and i guess a bit shorter than 'Ginger'...but honestly, not sure if she really liked the name 'McMath' because of her deadbeat dad - which was the main reason why she used Rogers as her last name...

    K.G. - Hope all went well recording for you, too! '20 mil' is really a neat movie - not sure why it doesn't get more airplay... but we got it today, so...maybe that's a start! I love Ginger's tune in the studio, 'Out For No Good'.

    A.C. - Rafter Romance is a very good one - pretty 'basic' plot, but Ginger gets to show quite a few different 'personas' in it... and is just cute as all get out in it! YouTube is ok to watch a movie for 'review', but the video quality is just not that great...nice to get a 'TV quality' version, at least...

    Lauren - I feel the same way...when I was at work this morning, I kept thinking, DANG! Ginger is on and I am not watching it!!! And even if you have the movie, you still somehow feel 'obligated' to watch it when it runs on TV... I am just going to turn on the TV whenever I wake up thanksgiving and just let G&F do their thang all day...

    Juliette - Great to hear you have TCM! I always figured EVERYONE has it... guess since I am close to Atlanta, I just 'automatically' get all the Turner now, you can study the 'classical' movies even MORE... cool!

  8. Juliette--Well there's none in the common room. And I haven't got one in my room. I only know two people with TVs and I can't see them letting me use it to watch TCM, assuming they even have the channel.

    Huey--This may sound a bit odd, but in a way, the fact that I have accumulated so many with not much effort makes it feel like it was almost... too easy to acquire. I feel like there should be more of a challenge to get to see them all, and the perfect challenge is catching them on TV.



  9. Time is one of those elusive things, no?
    As for 'catching up' with them, although I think I have seen them all (Except HCG...), I am going to try to watch one a night, chronologically... from Young Man of Manhattan to Harlow... but you are so right - whenever they show one on TV, it does give you a 'obligatory' feeling to watch... I will have them on thanksgiving, if only as 'background noise'... but will obviously watch some, too...may be a good opportunity to 'introduce' G&F to folks...

  10. Huey's home = It's a Ginger Rogers Thanksgiving.

    I LOVE that Peanuts Thanksgiving movie, when Peppermint Patty yells at Charlie Brown for serving gummies, pretzel sticks, and popcorn for a Thanksgiving meal.


  11. Hmm...I typed another comment on here last night and it looks like Blogger must have eaten it. *shrugs*

    Anyway, when you have a moment, stop by my have a blog award waiting for you there. :)

  12. Lauren - Don't forget the buttered toast!!! Snoopy and Woodstock spent ample time on that part of the menu... "...WHAT KIND OF THANKSGIVING DINNER IS THIS, CHUCK???" I am a BIG 'Peanuts' fan. My daughter is big on them, too, so that's pretty special...

    Gingerella - dang - sorry your comment got lost... and, thanks SO MUCH for the award! I am just happy that I can post a few interesting things for folks to check out...of course, with VKM as the primary topic, how can you fail? :-) I will go over and follow the instructions you have set forth... Thanks again!!! JWalker - VKMfan
