



Next GingerFilm(s) (on TCM - all times Eastern):


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Baby is HERE!!!

...Just letting my fellow Gingerologists know that my little boy has finally entered the world!

Vital Stats:

Born 9-3-09 - 7:22 a.m. CST
Weight - 10 lbs, 3 oz. (BTW...that's quite a big baby!!!)
Height - 22 inches

Mom and son are both doing very well... as well as big sister and ol' dad...

Thanks for all the kind words, and hope to be getting back in the swing (time) of things soon!

- jwalker


  1. How cute!!! I like the "swing (time)" :D
    Well congrats again!!! I've said it like, 25 times :]


  2. 10 pounds? damn! Congrats.

  3. Heh Heh... yep, he is a quite sizeable one! But, not overtly 'fat', but is quite tall. And it WAS a 'scheduled' C-section, much to my wife's relief!
    Thanks for the kind words, y'all!!!


Awards...Thanks, Y'all!!!

...I TRULY appreciate these, and the kind words regarding this blog...thanks for all the inspiration I have drawn from each of your blog sites, which are all awesome in their unique ways!!!
It is my hope that I can continue to make 'G-ology' interesting and informative regarding the 'Beautiful Science' of VKM, which is SUCH a great topic!!! ...And remember, your comments are what make Gingerology click - so keep cranking them out!

Thanks again, JW

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10
Thanks, Gingerella and Sally!!!

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09
Thanks, AC!!!

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10
Thanks, Maggie and Kate Gabrielle!!!

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11
Thanks, Camille and Anna!!!

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018
...including the Gingerology entry of 'Gold Diggers of 1933'...