
Monday, July 4, 2016

SEVENTH GingerFilm... for the GingerBinge Summer... is... on this 240th Birthday of the U.S.A...

...MAGNIFICENT DOLL!!!, here's the deal... Hu has decided that on this special day, this film would be MOST apropos... thus no 'grab bag' deal, but a straight up 'pick for the day'... I still produced a painstakingly complex video over on FaceBook, so please go check it out...
...I'll post the "post-view-review" over on the MagDoll blog, and UPDATE here, as usual...

 UPDATE: HERE is the post over on the MagnificentDoll blog...

...all I know is that Ginger is mind-numbingly beautiful in this one...

Everybody have a VERY Gingery fourth!!!

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