
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Columbus Day, Y'all!

...which, of course, always brings this classic GingerTune to mind... of my the way she is so clear here, with little or no 'embellishment' of her true singing voice, it sounds... and it's cool that Ira wrote the first few lines for Ginger herself (hence the 'Missouri' reference...). And like many tunes, there's a 'second stanza'...most of y'all probably know it, but just in case, here it is:
"They all laughed at Rockerfeller Center - Now they're fighting to get in.
They all laughed at Whitney and his cotton gin.
They all laughed at Fulton and his steamboat, Hershey and his chocolate bar.
Ford and his Lizzie - Kept the laughers busy; That's how people are.
They laughed at me - wanting you, said it would be Hello, Good-bye;
But oh, you came through - now they're eating humble pie.
They all said we'd never get together; darling, let's take a bow,
For Ho, Ho, Ho, Who's got the last laugh now?"
(c) 1937 Gershwin Publishing Corporation, N.Y.

...just wonder if they had a few too many 'brand names' noted in this stanza (Hershey, Ford)... not sure how the 'product placement' deal would work (especially since Ginger hawked Dodges....just sayin'...) ...but it's always cool to see this and 'hear' Ginger singing this stanza (hopefully I'm not the only one who can 'hear' that... :-)  )
Well, hope to be getting back to more detailed GingerPosts soon, as its been a few since the last 'real' post... the eye is in quite good shape, but will need a new prescription for focus or whatever... Next Monday (or as we say in South Gingerville, 'Monday week') I have my final 'follow-up' with the doc.

Thanks again to all for your thoughts and prayers - they worked wonders!  The Gingerology community is an awesome one, ain't it?  :-)

Until next time...


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