
Sunday, January 22, 2012

...GingerTunes setup...HELP!!!

...I know a lot of y'all have music lists on your blogs...SOOOOO...does ANYONE have any suggestions on how to put tunes on a blog? I know I have the two 'pods' on the right over there, but honestly not sure how I set them up (theOGRE did a bunch of that...).
I actually downloaded Yahoo Media Player on the NBABOH blog, which seems like it would be cool, as it plays tunes AND videos... but, it appears tunes have to be on a 'host site'...which one of those puppies is best, for free of course...ANY info will be greatly appreciated!
BTW, the Chance at Heaven review is close, just screen caps needed... should be a trip trying to set up a 'cap story' line for this one... it still just irks me as to how Ginger 'lays down' in this one...weird.
Well, hope nobody has any trouble with the storms rolling thru the nation's mid-section tonight...we are supposed to have some striong storms here, which obviously gets folks here a bit more skittish than usual after last April... so hopefully nothing big occurs...

..hey, this is the 200th post for G-ology!!! Well, this particular post is not too 'prolific', but...a milestone nevertheless!!!

KIG, y'all!!!


  1. I honestly dont remember how I did it either LOL! But with time I could figure it out :)

  2. well, I'm thinking ya just go to a 'host' site... the one we used was 'fileDen'... seems to work OK, so maybe I'll 're-use' it... mainly, I don;t wanna have to pay for anything, kapesh?
    OK...I'm watching Chance At Heaven again...getting the caps...and I'm all huffy about it yet again...just so unbelievable...

    ok - well, hey, OGRE!!!
    You need to send me your new e-mail address...hopefully ya still have mine, but if not... may set up a Gmail account soon, and just use it for G-ology stuff, IF you can clip files on it...that might be the rub there...

    Anyway, I'm going to jump over to that site sometime this week and see if I can get it going on the NBABOH site (which, by the way, you desperately need to follow...:-) ) ...I'm gonna be changing up stuff on that site pretty regularly, but not so much with G-ology.

    KIG, Lady Katie!!!

