
Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas, y'all...

 ...from all the folks here at Gingerology! Hope everyone gets exactly what they want, but also to reflect on the past year and study on what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is...

...And as a bit of a 'present' to y'all, here's a little 'post-script' to the "Sitting Pretty" series of posts, a video of Ginger and Jack Oakie doing the Ginger-penned, "Used To Be You"...I figure most of y'all have seen this one, but, just in case, here it is again... Ginger is, as usual, lethally cute...
Y'all be safe out there! I hope to get rolling on the 'Rio' review (say THAT three times fast!) in a day or so, but obviously the season is pretty full of festivities...

KIG and Merry Christmas, y'all!!!

VERY Sincerely,


  1. Merry Christmas to you!
    I always think Ginger looks like Avril Lavigne in this clip... if that's not too heretic a suggestion!

  2. Thank you for stopping by...Wishing you a wonderful new year x

  3. Have a very gingery Christmas and New Year!!!

  4. Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!! Thanks again for the movie:-) Winona

  5. MC: I somewhat agree...I know of Avril, but honestly couldn't pick out a tune of hers if my life depended on it... she is quite cute, tho...she may well be a candidate for the big honkin' Ginger movie they need to do sooner or later, whenever the Astaire descendants are cool with Fred being portrayed...
    Hope you and yours had a great Christmas, MC!!! Keep on posting the greatness that is M.N.! ...BTW, I've noticed your lady on the blog 'header' has changed, but it appears to be the same background... which begs the question, are these pics made just for the blog? Or am I just out of the loop enough to not recognize them as stars of some movie or TV deal? Most likely the latter, but either way, great work, my friend! :-)

    Sharren: Thanks so much! Love your blog, and hope you and yours had an incredible Christmas! I'm looking forward to more 'Gingeygingery goodness' in 2012!!! :-)

    GF11: Same to ya!!! Be digging up more of those great GingerPics that somehow only YOU can unearth... I'm thinking you have a hotline to Ms. Olden or something...

    SCD: Thanks - and hope you and yours had a great Christmas, and awesome new year!!! And keep up the great blog work! See ya in 2012, Lady Wi!!!

    Thanks again, y'all - Keep It Gingery!!!
