



Next GingerFilm(s) (on TCM - all times Eastern):


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Well, just some assorted things...

...first, hope y'all got to watch 'Follow the Fleet' early this morning... I honestly did not...but I figure most of y'all are pretty familiar with that one anyway... :-)

...second, as for the poll! Fifth Avenue Girl was a close winner! I was glad to see each entry get multiple votes....each one was pretty cool in their own way. Thanks for all the input and votes...hope to have another poll going soon.

...third, I will be heading out of town this Saturday for a week...unfortunately, I am not as 'totally portable' as most of y'all in regards to e-mail, texting, etc... so will probably not have much activity on the G-ology Blog for a bit... although I will try to sneak something in!

...fourth, a big G-ology welcome to our newest follower, Blondie! You should have no problems fitting in here, since EVERYONE here seems to prefer the blonde Ginger to the 'dark-haired' Ginger... welcome aboard!

...fifth, after thinking about it, I won't be back before 'Primrose Path' airs on 11/5, so y'all be sure to catch that one...it's a bit different for Ginger, but she does well in a dramatic role...really was her 'warm-up for Kitty Foyle, IMHO...

anyway, that's it... for now.

Hope everyone has a cool Halloween!

Until a bit later,
JWalker - Huey Ham - PG Giza - Sonny - Petrov

Sunday, October 25, 2009


...For the AWESOME new header pic! It was kinda tough to change up from the 'Original' G-ology header pic, which will always be a favorite (will still be my avatar...) - but the new one is another favorite of mine (Gin just looks angelic in this one...), and now in killer color by Maria of the 'Let Yourself Go' blog...
If you are a Ginger / Fred fan, do yourself a favor and follow that site...Maria has done an outstanding job of adding color to some great pics!

...also, I will probably be 'wrapping up' the results of the first G-ology Poll in a day or so, when I can give it sufficient time... It was good to know each entry got significant votes, which helped me to feel better that I picked some of the best ones...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

BTW...Late Entry for Best Poster...

...My little girl drew this one a year or so ago... it is my personal fave!
Now, which movie is this one from, and what routine? [ I think "Frend" in a kilt kinda gives it away... :-) ]

..Last Call for VOTES...

..Last Call for VOTES...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

...Just a Reminder..

...Gold Diggers of 1933 occurs tonight on TCM - 7:00 Central Time. It's a pretty cool movie if you haven't seen it, but make sure to catch the first 5 minutes or so, which is the TRUE 'gold'... :-)

Friday, October 16, 2009

...The First EVER Gingerology POLL!!!!

...hey, everyone else is doing it, so why not here at G-ology?

SO, the poll topic is as follows:

Of the five choices to follow, pick what you think is the best movie poster from a Ginger movie - the five chosen happen to be my personal faves... in other words, I would seriously consider hanging any of these on the ol' wall... (well, heck, ANY Ginger pic / poster will garner that honor, but these are to me are amongst the 'coolest'...)

Two things to keep in mind whilst voting:

ONE: The poster DESIGN is the main criteria here... how it captures the 'essence' of the movie, and generally how 'Gingery' it is!!! It should NOT be solely based on "this is my favorite VKM movie"... also, to a point, anyway, how well the poster image actually resembles Ginger...think these are all pretty well done...some others not appearing here are really not, unfortunately...

TWO: Yes, I know...there are no GandF posters here, primarily because there are so DANG many variations of them, you could do a separate poll on any single movie from the series!!! So, could be a future poll, maybe?

OK... that's it... the 'poll' spot is on the top right of the blog...you can vote for more than one.... so, vote, vote, vote!!! Jwalker...


Saturday, October 10, 2009

OK...went over to TCM a few minutes ago...

...well, the website, not the 'brick-and-mortar' building... sifted down to 'Hat Check Girl', and left a review...which, of course, was REALLY a 'plea' to TCM, hoping they will show it, IF they have it... not sure if there will be a response or anything, but worth a shot, right?

...Not that clear a picture from 'Stage Door', but definitely a Hat I would like to Check!!!
...Hey, if y'all want to throw your two cents in as well, here is the specific link to HCG... just go to 'post a review' about halfway down the right side of the page:

and, just above the place to place a 'review' (i.e., 'plea'), there is a spot to vote for this movie to be released on DVD...which REALLY gets the gears in the mind to grinding, since they can consider it for DVD, then... they must HAVE IT!!!!


...Keep it Gingery...
...Ginger is a Rockstar...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

...BIG NEWS!!!


Warner Brothers has FINALLY released "Perfect Strangers" on DVD!!! (Think they may be reading our stuff over here??? if so...Thanks, cool WB folks!!! ...Now, not to push it, but..Hat Check Girl is sorely needed, y'all!!! :-) )

Here is the link:


...Keep in mind that these DVDs are 'bare bones' releases - just the movie, no extras or scene selections... but this is a big one, as far as Gingerologists go, since for whatever reason, this one has been a tough one to find... it might not be a very good movie, but, if Ginger is in it, I'm there!!!

And, for any of the newer folks on the site, please be aware there are other Ginger movies available in this WB archive series - 'Tom, Dick and Harry', 'Once Upon a Honeymoon', 'Weekend at the Waldorf', and 'Having a Wonderful Time'... plus mucho other old movies of interest...

...I'd say it was a good day! (dancing a hole into the floor...)

Jwalker - VKMfan - PG Giza... :-)

PS... Sorry, but as you probably guessed, this is a 'Region One' DVD ONLY... sad to say. Wish they would make it a 'Universal DVD' (Region zero, I believe)... Since these are somewhat 'limited' as to sales, I would just think there would not be much of an issue regarding piracy... would probably make more making it available to all against any loss from 'copying'... oh well, hope everyone can obtain this one in some manner!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ginger Trivia, Round Four...

OK...another rousing installment of your favorite internet questionaire, "GingerTrivia"... As usual, all Q and A's are up for discussion as to their accuracy... and, as a new 'twist', I will post the answers in the comments for this post...so, DON'T OPEN THE COMMENTS UNTIL YOU WANT THE ANSWERS! I actually 'moved' the answers from the previous trivia posts into the comment areas - mainly because it was getting a bit 'unwieldy' in the corner down there...
Here we go...good luck!!! JW


Question ONE: What year did Ginger win the Texas State Charleston Championship? (bonus if you know the exact date...)

Question TWO: In what city did Ginger marry her first husband, Jack Culpepper?

Question THREE: Which Ginger and Fred movie was originally to be in color, but deemed 'too expensive' by RKO?

Question FOUR: What is the name of the river which runs through Ginger's property near Bedford, Oregon?

Question FIVE: What classic fairy tale did Ginger make a spoken-word recording of in 1944 for Disney?

Question SIX: Who was standing off-set when Ginger sang "They All Laughed" in "Shall We Dance?", and whom Ginger said was her "audience of one"?

Question SEVEN: How many Ginger movies were in color? (bonus if you can name them...) ***EDIT 11/24/09*** Actually, my daughter has pointed out one we ALL missed... 'The Confession' (AKA 'Quick, Let's Get Married) was in color, too... So, add one to the answer in the comments... Thanks, VKMfan

Question EIGHT: Where is Ginger Rogers Road?

Question NINE: What Ginger movie has its final scene in her actual RKO dressing room?

Question TEN: The rehearsals for what Broadway musical saw Ginger dance with Fred for the first time?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

...Just a reminder...

...Our miss Kitty will be on TCM at 5:00 CST today (10-1-09).

Sure everyone has Kitty Foyle in their collection, but...it is almost is an obligation to watch it when it is shown...unfortunately, I have other things happening, so y'all please say hey to Kitty for me... :-)

Jwalker - VKmfan - PG Giza

Awards...Thanks, Y'all!!!

...I TRULY appreciate these, and the kind words regarding this blog...thanks for all the inspiration I have drawn from each of your blog sites, which are all awesome in their unique ways!!!
It is my hope that I can continue to make 'G-ology' interesting and informative regarding the 'Beautiful Science' of VKM, which is SUCH a great topic!!! ...And remember, your comments are what make Gingerology click - so keep cranking them out!

Thanks again, JW

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10

Awarded by Gingerella on 11/18/09 AND by Sally on 01/31/10
Thanks, Gingerella and Sally!!!

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09

Awarded by Amanda Cooper on 11/21/09
Thanks, AC!!!

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10

Awarded by Maggie on 02/10/10 AND by Kate Gabrielle on 02/11/10
Thanks, Maggie and Kate Gabrielle!!!

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11

Awarded by Camille on 03/25/11 AND by Anna on 03/29/11
Thanks, Camille and Anna!!!

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018

Hometowns to Hollywood Busby Berkeley Blogathon 2018
...including the Gingerology entry of 'Gold Diggers of 1933'...