...well, it's that time again... and whatever implies 'spring', I think this pic is about as 'GingerSpringy' as you can get... of course, I'm not sure what attire would constitute spring-wear, but it always kinda conjures up a 'Easter-church' type arrangement, to me, anyway... something with a bonnet is mandatory, right?
Well, it just so happens that this post regarding the vernal equinox also is... Gingerology's 400th Post!!! So, a milestone of sorts that I am pretty happy about... thanks to all of y'all who still check out the site... ONE of these days I'll get things a bit more 'detailed' here, but some 'real world' stuff to work out... just busy with work, helping the kids with school, etc... nothing 'heavy'...
This IS a good time to do a bit of 'spring cleaning', as it were... and thus, I will try to somehow 'streamline' the blog... not sure how that will go down, but... there's also the issue of the 'GingerFilm blogs'... heck, I haven't properly kept up with G-ology, so how can I give time to each of THOSE blogs? I truly set those up as a 'picture backup' of sorts, anyway, but... would like to add a few things here and there, in case someone runs across it...
Oh, and here's a few "You know you're a Gingerologist when..." deals which I've been wanting to post...
First - this was from a roll of blueprints I received at work a few months back... notice the name... who do you think of?
well, Rogers, duh... but what kinda struck me was the first name... "Lellyett'... kinda sounds like an 'extended version' of 'Lela'...right? Hm? And no doubt Lela AND Ginger were each Quality Focused... I'm not sure about the 'Customer Driven' part... they were DRIVEN, no doubt, as they were VERY Independent women... from Independence...
Here's another GingerMoment which I didn't post when it occurred back around Christmastime - a present we received...
...sourced from... the Rogue River Valley! Which of course got me to thinking if Ginger had a few of these trees at her ranch... hmmm... she had lots of varmints, and also seemed to have quite a bit of produce.... could these pears we received for a gift (which were quite good, BTW...) have come from the same tree Ginger got pears from? Um... yeah, I think about stuff like this all the time... I'm a Terminal Gingerologist, in case y'all didn't know...
...well, there's some other Gingery things I need to roll with... of course the LIFE magazine cover project... the biggest deal will be how to print these properly... a 'dry run' will have to take place... I still need to 'spruce up' the images, but they are close... I'll do a 'progress' post pretty soon...
...also, wanting to get more details on the Ginger Birth House Project... seems like the renovation work is ongoing, so, COOL... I would LOVE to get up there this summer to see what's up with it... stay tuned...
Hope everyone out there has a GREAT spring, with decent weather and minimal pollen (it's already full force here... bleh)... until next time...
KIG, y'all!!!
My apartment bedroom
2 weeks ago