...just letting all y'all know that Hu and the crew are fine here in South Gingerville... just a few more things at work to round up, and should be ready to get back HERE, where...I would rather be, of course... not that work is bad, it's actually pretty cool...
...just posting a 'random' pic (hey, ya GOTTA have a GingerPic in a post, right?) ...not sure if all of y'all have seen this one... it is from early in her career, but...it REALLY captures her so well... not sure if this is a 'publicity shot', or just a great photo shoot...wish more from this 'session' would show up!
...not all that much on the 'Ginger Front', as far as current events go... unLESS I've missed something...I try to Google every day to see if any GingerEvents are afoot... yif y'all hear of anything, let me know!
...hope to get back to it soon...this weekend, for sure...well, 'tenatively sure', anyway...
In the meantime - y'all...
Keep It Gingery!
My apartment bedroom
2 weeks ago