
Friday, April 27, 2012

...and ANOTHER major reason that April just needs to get GONE, y'all...

...This marks the one year 'remembrance' of the massive tornado outbreak that ravaged much of the southeast, with Alabama taking the brunt of it... this region just seems to be in the 'right' wrong place in terms of the ingredients for cooking up MAJOR tornadoes... we've had more around here over the years than anywhere...including the Great Plains area, where most folks think of when tornadoes are discussed. This outbreak yielded the most tornadoes EVER recorded in a region for a 24-hour period... approximately 208.

Here's just a few links regarding the insane events of that day...hard to 'relive' this, even tho we personally suffered NO damage at all... still affects ya...

April 27, 2011 Tornado Outbreak

One of many heavy Youtube Videos... that video, those folks get to about a block away from where my old house was (now a vacant lot)... we had moved out about 7 years before, and moved across town. That video was at least a few weeks after the fact...we more or less walked that same route about an hour after it happened, looking for a few folks to see if they were OK - they were - and literally hundreds of trees were everywhere...once you got in the 'ground zero'' area, it was hard to even figure out where you were...and this was again just a few blocks from where I lived for 7 years! It's as close as a civilian can get to being in the middle of a war zone...something I NEVER want to do again.

Still a pretty dang hard thing to watch, and even tho I'd say as of today, 90% of everything is cleared out and/or rebuilt... but there's just stuff here that will ALWAYS be reminders...such as the mangled remnants of trees, many of which, strangely enough, are popping out with leaves - they look like weird, prehistoric deals, just large 30-foot tall 'stumps' with a 'dollop' of green on top... and of course, there are still houses here and there for whatever reason haven't been touched for a year - ready for those to be leveled...but nobody wants to pay to do that.

Well, the good news for here and now is, there's been no threat of bad weather for the last few months now, which has been good - cause LOTS of folks around here are pretty shell shocked, and even the threat of bad weather would freak folks out.

Well, sorry to post another 'downer' topic, was just too big of an event to not 'document'... but seems like the area is recovering, and folks are more aware of how to rebuild, with 'safe rooms', and stronger general construction, so, that's a good thing to come out of all this.

Thanks to all who gave T&P during that time...and please keep the area in mind, as there is STILL quite a bit of things needed to get back to 'normal'...

I promise the next post will be a bit more 'light'...dang, it BETTER be...


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seventeen Years Ago...

...Ginger went to the Great Beyond...

It's a very somber day for all Gingerologists - honestly, it's best to just reflect on her incredible life, and celebrate her greatness... so maybe spin a few Ginger movies today and remember all the Gingery goodness that she gave us to brighten up our lives, as well as those of future generations... it's so awesome that technology will 'preserve' most of her work for those future Gingerologists.

And to just present something a bit 'different' on this day that some of you may have not's a 'cartoon' editorial from Mike Peters, the dude who does 'Mother Goose and Grimm'...he is also an 'editorial cartoonist', and he did this one after Ginger's first, you think..."er, a cartoon about the passing of someone?" ...but, after looking at it a bit...
...I believe he captured it PERFECT...cause, face it, isn't that how we ALL envision what's happening up there with Ginger and Fred? I always think of the final credits of 'The Castles', where they are dancing into the sunset, as it were... I love how she is 'floating'...which is truly how they danced on this terrestrial orb... and even the perfect song's kinda hard to argue with the fact that 'Cheek To Cheek' will FOREVER be their theme song (...sometimes I try to make it 'They Can't Take That Away From Me', but...I think that's an alternate, at best). I couldn't have come up with a more fitting eulogy for Ginger - great work, Mr. Peters.

Thanks to all the Gingerologists out there who are keeping her memory and legacy alive for future generations... That's my mission with this blog, and hopefully it will continue to be a 'source' for all things Ginger Rogers - but Y'ALL are really what makes this thing possible and work so well - great work.

As always, and ESPECIALLY today...

Keep It Gingery,


Saturday, April 21, 2012

...Out For No Good - screen cap sequence...

...OK - just some of the 'overflow' of screen caps from 20 Million Sweethearts...well, actually, these are ALL from the 'Out For No Good' number that Ginger so deftly executes... as always, there really need NO captions, as they speak VERY beautifully for themselves...

...this last one is STILL my fave... Ginger peeved... when she sticks that lower jaw out, ya best duck, run, or pray, right?
Well, here's another sequence, from a bit further back, but still just as Gingery...

...well, that should hold ya for awhile...although I WOULD like to reiterate how honkin' that microphone is...dang, it's like a 3-inch PVC pipe stuck on a pole...I just wonder if that's a REAL mic, or if it just a 'stage prop'... well, it's obvious Ginger wasn't actually singing during this scene (i.e., 'lip-synching'...not that there's anything wrong with that....), but they use these throughout the film. Folks weren't nearly as 'savvy' about the technical aspects of a performance in those days...
And, may I ALSO reiterate that Ginger is black is just redonkulous...whatever THAT means (I believe it's a nod to the affirmative...)
Well, on to the next review, 'Change of Heart'...I've watched it, and as I remember, Ginger is in an almost 'glancing' role, although she really plays a key role in it, if that makes any sense... she is quite the 'trollop' in this one, so there's no sugar-coating it... but she LOOKS mahvalos, know who I'm talking to... so there's something.
Anyway, that will be out in a few days, hopefully (where have ya heard THAT before?) - as we get ready for what is officially my least favorite week of the year henceforth, between Ginger's passsing on the 25th and the horrific tornado 'anniversary' on the 27th...again, April canNOT get thru quick enough for me..

Well, until then...


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Romance In Manhattan now on WB Archives...

...a new offering from the great folks at Warner Brothers Archives - "Romance In Manhattan" - one of Ginger's seven films from 1934 - it is 'sandwiched' between 'The Gay Divorcee' and 'Roberta'.

Here's the link for purchasing:

Romance In Manhattan at WB Archive

From what I remember (it's been a few since I watched this one), it is a pretty nice little film - nothing too elaborate - dude is an immigrant who is trying to survive in NYC - Ginger is a chorus girl who takes him in, adding to her load, as she is already taking care of her younger brother. Ginger is the 'top billed' in this one, and is in it a pretty good bit. Probably worth the price for you G-ologists out there who don't already have it. Honestly, I've not seen this one 'in rotation' on TCM, so it's a pretty good offering.

Stay tuned for more Gingery goodness to follow...

Until then, KIG!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ginger Rogers Film Review #23 - Twenty Million Sweethearts

(May 26, 1934- First National / Vitaphone)

Run Time (approximate): 89 Minutes 
Directed by: Ray Enright.
Assistant Director (Second Unit): Gordon Hollingshead. 
Production Management: Al Alleborn. 
Dialogue Director: Stanley Logan.
Cinematography by: Sidney Hickox. 
Art Director: Esdras Hartley. 
Editor: Clarence Kolster. 
Camera Operator: Wesley Anderson. 
Sound Recorder: Gordon M. Davis.  
Sound Mixer: C. A. Riggs. 
Lyrics: Al Dubin. 
Music: Harry Warren. 
Conductor of Vitaphone Orchestra: Leo F. Forbstein. 
Music Arranger: Ray Heindorf.
Music Mixer: George Groves. 
Makeup: Perc Westmore. 
Costume Design: Orry-Kelly. 
Costume Jeweller: Eugene Joseff. 
Supervisor: Samuel Bischoff.
Also Starring: Pat O'Brien (as Russell Edward 'Rush' Blake), Dick Powell (as Buddy Clayton), Donald Mills (Himself - one of the Four Mills Brothers), Harry Mills (Himself - one of the Four Mills Brothers), Herbert Mills (Himself - one of the Four Mills Brothers), John Mills (Himself - one of the Four Mills Brothers), Ted Fio Rito (as Himself - Leader of the Ted Fio Rito Orchestra), Allen Jenkins (as 'Uncle' Pete), Grant Mitchell (as Chester A. Sharpe), Joseph Cawthorn (as Herbert 'Herbie' Brokman), Joan Wheeler (as Marge the Receptionist), Henry O'Neill (as Lemuel Tappan), Johnny Arthur (as Norma Hanson's Secretary), Jimmy Hollywood (as Himself - one of the Three Radio Rogues), Eddie Bartell (as Himself - one of the Three Radio Rogues), Henry Taylor (as Himself - one of the Three Radio Rogues).
UNCREDITED CAST: Oscar Apfel (as Walcott - Hotel Manager), Diane Borget (as Radio Fan), Matt Brooks (as Third Hillbilly), George Chandler (as Reporter Johnny Klinger), Virginia Dabney (minor role), William B. Davidson (as Bill - Woodcliff Inn Manager), The Debutantes (as Themselves - song 'What Are Your Intentions?'), Shirley Dunstead (as Patron at Woodcliff Inn), Jay Eaton (as Hotel Desk Clerk), Bill Elliot (as Third Man in Brass Rail), Fern Emmett (as Radio Fan in Bed), Leo F. Forbstein (as Conductor Brusiloff), Eddie Foster (as First Hillbilly), Morris Goldman (as Fourth Hillbilly), Eddie Graham (as Brass Rail Patron Wanting 3 Beers), Charles Halton (as Sound Effects Man), Sam Hayes (as Sam, Peggy's Announcer), Grace Hayle (as Mrs. Martha Brokman), George Humbert (as Woodcliff Inn Headwaiter), Eddie Kane (as Second Man in Brass Rail), Milton Kibbee (as Pete's Annonuncer), Charles Lane (as Reporter), Muzzy Marcellino (as Himself), Sam McDaniel (as Deacon - Waiter), Larry McGrath (First Man in Brass Rail), Johnny Murray (as Himself), Dennis O'Keefe (as Reporter), Bob Perry (as Brass Rail Manager), Donna Mae Roberts (as Radio Fan), Jean Rogers (as Radio Fan), Rosalie Roy (as Telephone Operator), Harry Seymour (as Buddy's Announcer), Eddie Shubert (as Reporter Jimmy Bull), Billy Snyder (as Second Hillbilly), Charles Sullivan (as Taxi Driver), Victoria Vinton (as Blonde Radio Fan), Billy West (as Bellboy), Dick Winslow (as Page Boy).                
Ginger's Character: Peggy Cornell.
Ginger's 'Screen Time': Approximately 18 Minutes and 9 Seconds (20.4% of the film).
GingerTunes: "Out For No Good", "I'll String Along With You (duet with Dick Powell at end of movie).
Gingery Goodness Factor (GGF) - (1-10): 7.5 - It's gonna be hard to talk about this role and not 'contrast' with her role in 'Finishing School'... but this role is a 'solid' one, ultimately not all that different than her role in 'Sitting Pretty', albeit with one suitor rather than two. She is not overtly 'sassy' here, but IS pretty cool, in a 'good ol' girl' sense...if that MAKES any sense. She is somewhat of a 'pushover' in this one, but does stand her ground at times, such as when she finds out her man has been (supposedly) running around on her. Final analysis...I like this Ginger better...period.
Film Quality (1-10): 8.0 - solid copy from TCM... not currently available on DVD...(WB Archives, are you out there???)
Huey's Review for GINGEROLOGY: The tale of Twenty Million Sweethearts is one of those "rise to fame - fall in love - lose love because of fame - lose fame because of lost love - regain love due to second chance (you know, the fool's name for fate) - regain fame - and ultimately live, if not happily ever after, at least reasonably so" type films that we all know and love... OK, maybe it's not THAT simple, but, it's the general storyboard...and sorry if I give away the ending, but...c'mon, y' KNOW how it's gonna wrap up...
So, let's focus on how we get to that ending, shall we? We begin with a swarthy talent scout named 'Rush' Blake (Pat O'Brien), who is in San Francisco looking for singers for his radio network boss back in New York City, Chester Sharpe (Grant Mitchell).
Rush is barely afloat (well, is 'underwater' financially, as a matter of fact), and is about to give up, when he wanders into a Beer Garden (which appears to just be a saloon that also allows women to drink beer), where a young waiter gets up and wails out the 'Flying Trapeze' tune, which works pretty well in this, how you say, "Beer Garden" (which only needs pizza at this point to become a full-fledged Shakey's Pizzeria (kids, ask your parents...)). 
Well, the folks just love it, which impresses Rush to the point of grabbing this young fellow Buddy Clayton (Dick Powell) and persuading him to go to NYC for a radio audition... but, Buddy points out to Rush that patrons of the beer garden will pretty much cheer on anything that is presented to matter, for Rush's REAL motive is to get Buddy to pay their (read: Rush's) way back to NYC.
Well, the duo arrive in the Big Apple (was it the 'Big Apple' in the 30s? I'm asking lots of questions today, aren't I?), where they make it into the Consolidated Radio Network studios... and Rush does talk his boss Sharpe into giving Buddy an audition. It's while Buddy is waiting outside the office and wanders around where he happens upon Peggy Cornell, who is 'in studio' rehearsing a tune, Ginger - Out For No Good...well, he makes a rather bad first impression on Miss Cornell, who draws the shades on him. 
Well, we HAVE to get those two kids together, right? And it happens in short order in the lunchroom/bar/commissary area, and soon Buddy walks Peggy home (that ALWAYS seems to work, y'all...) and hit it off, as expected.
Buddy has his rehearsal...but he wants to sing a typical 'crooner' tune... for some unexplained and totally asinine reason, Rush insists he sing the 'ol 'Flying Trapeze' tune... but remember, we're not in the beer garden anymore, Tito... and of course Buddy fails miserably. 
Well, days pass, and Buddy and Rush are hanging on by a thread, trying to find a gig...when along comes one of the writers for the network, "Uncle" Pete (Allen Jenkins), who is also a sort of 'Depression-era radio Captain Kangaroo' (again, ask your parents...) for the station. Well, Pete has scrawled out a pretty nice tune, I'll String Along With You (a song you'll know by heart by film's end...) - he shows it to Buddy, who jumps on the keyboard and sings it very 'crooner-ly'...which catches the ear of Rush in the shower. Well, they all rig up a 'impromptu' performance during Peggy's show (she feigns fainting fairly fastidiously) - and Buddy jumps in and sings the tune. 
Well, the 'twenty million sweethearts' are awakened from their dreadful slumber across the nation (and 6 stations in Canada), and Buddy becomes an overnight sensation. All is well, as Buddy plans on marrying Peggy ASAP...until Rush and the bigwigs determine it's not good to have Buddy hitched, when so many women everywhere are enthralled with him. So, Rush breaks up the nuptials by throwing a lot of slander about Buddy out there... mainly that he is hooked up with some actress chick whom Buddy's never even met... but SHE'S got the rep of 'playing the field', so the headlines are hard to discredit. 
Buddy gets out of the singing game for awhile, and Peggy is in a stage play-production of some sort, and neither one is happy without the other... Rush feels bad about the deal, and works the two back together by getting Buddy to sing at some joint outside of town...Rush gets Peggy to show up, and she falls in love with Buddy all over again, and bails him out when he forgets the lyrics to the song he has song a million times - well, at least 3-4 times in the film ALONE.
And, well, that's it, y'all. some cool appearances by actual radio personalities of the day, most notably the Mills Brothers...actually, the best 'non-Ginger' tune is when Dick Powell and the Mills Brothers do 'Out for No Good' - they are a 'scat' singing band, and Powell jumps right in with them pretty well.
Overall, a good way to spend 90 minutes, although this is one of those films they could have 'trimmed' down 15 minutes or so, and probably wouldn't have lost anything.

Favorite Ginger Moments: Well, Ginger is pretty prominent throughout this one, and has quite a few areas which allow her to throw in a bit of 'sassiness' - although not TOO much - as well as some dramatic scenes... which overall makes for a pretty Gingery experience. Of course, her 'Out For No Good' number yielded umpteen 'screen caps', so I'll have to make a separate post of those in the near future... as for the 'alternate storyboard', well, hopefully Ginger will heed the saying, "Caveat Emptor" ...
"...let's see what I found in my 'inbox'... "A rich prince in Nigeria has requested the use of your banking account in order to divert his millions of $U.S. currency for future asset allocation...with great compensation for your time and effort..."...what a bunch of cockamamie jive THIS is..."

"...Hey, Peg, I got this letter from some high roller dude over in Nigeria, who says he has to float a million bucks or so over here in order to get at it later...and he said he'll cut some of the dough out for whoever lets him use their bank account to 'divert' those clams... sounds like a SWEET deal! Heck, I'd just be happy with the INTEREST off of that little deal sitting in my account for six months or so... but don't tell anybody else, it's supposed to be in the strictest fact I probably shouldn't have told you, you know, with you being a dame and all...and how y'all like to yammer on about stuff incessantly... take my mother-in-law...that woman can talk on and on and on about the most insignificant and trivial matters...why, I remember one day she was all hepped up on the fact that Rudy Vallee was going to be in Rochester for a weekend show, and she wanted ME to drive her all the way from Schenectady..You know how FAR that is? Why, I didn't even have..."

"STIFLE!!! ...Pete, you bonehead, that Nigerian thing is a scam! EVERYBODY gets that letter! It's nothing but a scheme to bilk YOU out of the few miserable bones you manage to rake in each week working at this joint!"

...just an observation - this is a pretty cool shot of Ginger and the band...

"...and I already told this dingleberry I don't want to participate in his freakish little pyramid scheme!"

"...and boom goes the dynamite, to you, my friend..."

" I have no distractions, so I can warble this fine little ditty..."

"...into this inordinately large microphone / periscope device..."

" you really think this Nigerian deal isn't on the up-and-up, eh, Peg?"
"...look, Pete, it's obvious... WHY would they be contacting a dolt like YOU to be entrusted with their million dollars?"

"...but hey, in the words of that old sooth-sayer Preston, nothing from nothing leaves nothing - so, if you feel froggy, then go for it! I'm SURE the Nigerian government will greatly reward you for your efforts..."

"...excuse me...I notice that you aren't holding your pinkie aloft whilst partaking in your heated beverage..."

"...listen, chump, if you don't get yer grubby claws offa me, I'll rip YOUR pinkie off and use it for a swizzle stick...and I don't even DRINK anything stronger than Ginger Ale!"

"... well, I'm glad you've decided to let me handle all your investment needs, Peggy...and also thanks for not ripping off any of my digits..."

"...thanks for dropping by... my esteemed associate Rush and I have been talking about some new financial opportunities in South Florida...seems like there's loads of undeveloped land down there, and a small investment could potentially return a hundredfold profit..."

"...of course, neither Rush nor I currently have any currency...that's where YOU come in... seems like YOU are the only one around here who has an inkling of work ethic, thus any legal tender... so let me summon Rush, and he'll clue you in on what we need for the investment..."

 "...well, I have a few hundred dollars for y' much is needed for this 'bait-and-switch' deal y'all are getting me mixed up in?"

 ", I probably shouldn't have given him my account number...nopenopenope...not good..."

 "...WHY didn't I diversify my portfolio?"

"...Peggy, I heard those dudes are heading to Miami with a wad of dough to blow on some swampland down there..."

"...well, I'll just have to trust them to do the right thing...after all, they ARE professional financial investors...just keep telling yourself that, Peg... it's the only way to keep from totally losing it and slaughtering both of them upon their return..."

"...Hello? I'm here to see the financial expert...or Buddy, if he's available..."

"...actually, it was in CENTRAL Florida...near a little town called Orlando... It seems to be some pretty solid property, baby doll... we just need to get the trees cleared and the area rid of vermin, and it'll be prime real estate..."

", here's some of that lip service you've been hankerin' for, mama!"

 "...yeah, he's a total rube, but he MAY have hit on a good deal for me..."

 "...and who knows? Maybe we can MOVE down there... it would be a lot warmer, for sure... no Snow, White sands...just our own little Kingdom..."

"...I know it's kinda Goofy, but wouldn't it be a Cinderella story?"  
", I've got some bad news, Peggy..."

" appears the company we invested with was...well, not really a company at all...but just some dude who worked out of his step-van..."

 "...and the contact number he gave us ends up being to some type of exotic alligator wrestling outfit..."

"...well, at least you kept some of my dough in reserve, like we talked about, right, Rush?"

", was that YOU who wanted to do that?, well...nope...that is...I pretty much shot the works with your cash, Peg..."

"...I..I can't believe this is happening...I'll have to sell my Duesenberg..."

 "...So, Peggy, Rush and I have decided to go find that fellow who heinously 'diverted' your funds, and reclaim them...lest you start shooting death lasers out of those incredible eyes of yours..."

"...well, Rush, I appreciate what you and Buddy are trying to do, but I have no more money to give y'all to return to the 'scene of the crime'..."

 " y'all need to start walking, eh? It's a long way from Yonkers to Kissimmee..."

"...they're back! Well, Buddy is, anyway... It looks like he might be trying to SING something... I guess that is a fair sign... either that or he's lost the few marbles he was trying to work with..."

"...We not only got ALL your money, back, Peg, but we also made a few extra bucks parlaying a few ponies down at Hialeah Park..."

", we'll just hang out here in the Big Town and stash all that bread into low-risk stocks and guaranteed bonds...I got you covered, doll..."

"...oh, yeah...Rush is staying in Florida - he said he thinks that area could still be developed into SOMETHING...maybe an amusement-type park, kinda like Coney Island or something - says that a movie studio would be a good partner to develop it with..."

"...I can see it now...Jack Warner World!"

Other Reviews:  
"...Brimful of life and vitality...Miss Ginger Rogers is both intelligent and charming." - London Times
"...Miss Rogers puts an amazing amount of feeling into her interpretation. A growing sensitiveness is visible in her acting." - Los Angeles Times
"Ginger Rogers does well as Peggy...Ray Enright's direction is splendid. He reveals originality and freshness in his scenes. It is a happy picture, this Twenty Million Sweethearts." - New York Times
"Miss Rogers, who always strikes me as being one of the most engaging, natural and attractive of the cinema soubrettes, is of vast help to the proceedings, as she usually is." - New York Herald Tribune
"Dick Powell is certain to increase his present popularity through his good work in this one, and you have never seen Ginger Rogers look better or play with greater skill." - New York American
"The lapses in the story are compensated for by the pleasant vocalizations of Mr. Powell and Miss Rogers." - New York Evening Post

From GINGER: My Story: "Pat O'Brien led the billing of another Warner Brothers musical, 20 Million Sweethearts. Perennial Warner Brothers performer Dick Powell was my romantic interest. He was a young man I had met in Indianapolis, where he played a banjo in the orchestra. I thought he would make a very attractive leading man and was pleased that Warner Brothers had found him and pushed him to stardom. When this script came along, I was offered the feminine lead opposite him. I couldn't have been more thrilled, and enjoyed working in that film very much."
Miscellaneous Stuff:
--- The original title of the film was "Hot Air"...really not a bad title.
--- 'Also Known As' titles from other countries: "20 Milhoes de Namorados" (Portugal); "Universo Innamorato" (Italy); "Tyve Millioner Kaerester" (Denmark).
--- Twenty Million Sweethearts is generally regarded as Warner Brother's response to 1932's "The Big Broadcast" form Paramount Pictures; oddly enough, the Mills Brothers appear in both films.
--- a 1949 remake (of sorts) by Warners was "My Dream is Yours", which starred Jack Carson and Doris Day in the leads.
--- Was playing on a TV in a scene from Carnal Knowledge (1971)...decidedly a 'post-code' film...
GingerFilm Ranking: #05 of 24. Well, the comparison to Sitting Pretty generally mandated that this one fall somewhere around that one, and honestly, Ginger is a wee bit better in this one... but it's purt near a toss-up...actually, Sitting Pretty may be a better movie overall.

After Twenty-Three Reviews: 
#01 - Rafter Romance 
#02 - Professional Sweetheart
#03 - 42nd Street
#04 - Flying Down to Rio
#05 - Twenty Million Sweethearts
#06 - Sitting Pretty
#07 - The Tenderfoot
#08 - The Tip-Off
#09 - Queen High
#10 - Young Man of Manhattan
#11 - You Said A Mouthful
#12 - Carnival Boat
#13 - A Shriek in the Night
#14 - The Thirteenth Guest
#15 - Don't Bet On Love
#16 - Chance at Heaven
#17 - Finishing School
#18 - Broadway Bad
#19 - Gold Diggers of 1933 
#20 - The Sap From Syracuse
#21 - Suicide Fleet
#22 - Follow The Leader
#23 - Honor Among Lovers
#24 - Hat Check Girl***
*** - Not viewed or reviewed due to unavailability.
Up Next: Change Of Heart... Ginger has a different role in this one, which overall isn't a very 'uplifting' one... but we'll sort it out for ya.

Until then, as always...

KIG, Y'all!!!
