...of Ginger, who left this world into the Great Beyond fifteen years ago, on April 25, 1995... always a sad day, but one should just think of all the great moments she gave us to remember her by, and how cool it is there are so many that were documented and still available... I know she is just dancing away somewhere out there, dressed to the nines and radiant as ever... something tells me that although she is at peace, she is probably not resting, if I know her! She is most likely working out new routines with Fred! :-]
I remember I was at my future wife's apartment... I was under the weather, and instead of going out to eat and whatever, we just stayed there and watched the news, when they talked about VKM's death... I actually only knew a small amount about Ginger at the time, but enough to know she was a pretty cool lady, and that I thought she was great in the few movies I saw her in up until then... guess my Ginger interest has increased a bit since then!
Well, sorry about another sad post, y'all; also no pics again (just couldn't come up with one for this situation, really) but this post is obviously mandatory, although sad...
I am cooking up some things to post soon, so have patience, fellow G-ologists! Hope everyone made makes it through the big storm rolling through the Eastern U.S.
Until Then - Keep It Gingery...
My apartment bedroom
2 weeks ago