
Monday, April 25, 2016

GingeRememberance 2016... always on this sad, sad April day, hope everyone out there remembers the legacy of Ginger, and all the unabashed joy she gave the world, which is thankfully documented for us and future generations to be engulfed by... the likes of which will never grace this orb again...

Always and forever Ginger...


Friday, April 8, 2016

...a week into APRIL...

...and no major traumas yet...
...Ginger seems pretty relieved about that... ...only three weeks left, y'all... (for you who are newer Gingerologists, let's just say that April has in recent years not been the best... and of course, it's the month in which Ginger left us, so... just overall a pretty heavy (in a bad way) month for Hu...)

Well, other than the precarious time of year we find ourselves in, all is doing well in the Huey Camp... hope to be getting some posts 'of substance' here soon, but... kids are in the 'final push' of school, and I have a fair amount of stuff cooking at work, so... we'll see. In the meantime, thanks for y'all's continued support!

Hope everyone out there is doing 'OptimumGinger'! (a new phrase I just made up, which y'all 'get', I am sure...)

Speaking of phrases...

KIG, y'all!!!
