
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

...links are... well, linked...

...check the lower right of the Gingerology page, where I have added quite a few links (in no particular order, mind you...) - these are LOOOOONG overdue, and not really sure why these never made it to the original G-ology format...but, better late than never, y'all...
...word of advice...never put Miss Rogers on hold... VERY bad for your health...
As aforementioned, I have not attempted to link accounts on Tumblr, Pintrest, Flickr, etc...there's just too many out there, and I figure if someone wants to go on a 'GingerPic Hunt' (admit it, you've done it quite a bit...), they can find gobs of GingerPics via Google, Bing, Yahoo, or some other such device...  There are some channels on YouTube I've linked, and if there are more, PLEASE make me aware of them, and I will gladly link. Any OTHER Gingery resource (I know there are plenty out there I've missed) you can think of is also requested for linking....thanks, y'all!!!
...and now for something completely different...did Ginger invent Pig Latin? Well, I don't think so...but... I was running through YouTube and ran across "We're In The Money" scene, and saw how a lot of the comments (from young 'uns, no doubt) were so fascinated by Ginger's utterance of Pig Latin... and wondered if this was the 'source' of it... hmmm... let's start that rumor... Ginger's definitely the best candidate for 'creator of something pretty dang cool'... but, on the other hand, we could just send them to this site:
Pig Latin Converter...old but cool site
...would be neat if Ginger got a shout-out on this site... but, we'll let it slide, I suppose...

As for the burgeoning network of Gingerology blogs, in addition to the 70+ GingerFilm blogs up and (somewhat) running, Hu has decided...there needs to be MORE Ginger ( if y'all didn't see THAT coming...) - and, with the increasing catalog of Gingery material from TV and Radio out there, there REALLY should be sites 'dedicated' to these mediums - along with a site for her stage plays and musicals... SO, stay tuned...
...Ginger and Julie Neumar backstage of Hello, Dolly! - which is actually going to be passing through our town for a week or so here pretty soon... eh, with no Ginger, they'll be no Huey... sorry. ----------
One more thought...It's really been fun over on Facebook...nice to keep up with all of y'all, meeting new Gingerologists and potential Gingerologists, and all in 'real time'. If you haven't set up an FB account, I urge you's really pretty easy, and worth chatting with G-ologists!!!
So, until then...hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend, remembering what the observance is REALLY about... and in the same vein, please continue to remember the folks in Oklahoma and other areas of the Midwest who were affected by's obviously a very 'relate-able' story to me, and even tho I lost nothing a few years back, I did learn quite a bit about how folks can rebound and rebuild...I'm sure that will occur in short order in Moore and other areas...

KIG, y'all!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

...Spring Cleaning for Gingerology...

...hi, y'all! Well, Gingerology was a bit overdue for a 're-branding', albeit not TOO drastic... so a few features have been either dropped or 'trimmed', and other features have (or will soon be) added... including:

---THE 're-styling' of the site... the biggest changes are the font type and the 'post background' color changing to black...and subsequent 'lightening' of the text, which hopefully makes for a stark contrast for reading... I also 'shrunk' the text a bit, in order to...well, 'shrink' the post sizes and 'feature' sizes. Please give us your feedback on whether or not the new scheme works for ya... thanks!

---THE elimination of the GingerTunes and Ginger reads her bio... the links to the tunes and readings have been lost for quite awhile now... hopefully we can figure out a better way to add audio files to the blog... it's just too flippin' hard now... especially compared to videos... I just need to figure out how to transfer stuff into YouTube Videos and post them...

---THE 'streamlining' of the 'Gingery Blogs' section... Still all the links to all the awesome blogs, but the 'preview' thumbnails of the posts have been removed, again for space's sake.

---THE addition of more links - to YouTube channels, Gingery sites, etc. - this one is still 'under construction', patient... actually, again, any sites you can think of that would be a nice relevant link to G-ology would be appreciated!

...and that's really about it... hopefully not too radical... the only other 'almost' was the potential change of the 'header pic', but...Golden Girl Ginger is just too hard to remove...she's a lifer, y'all!

Well, hope everyone's having a great weekend...I have started the Star of Midnight review post, so... progress!

KIG, y'all!!!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

20th Century-Fox Cinema Archives...

...are throwing some Gingery goodness our way! Not really sure WHEN these DVDs became available, but MAD props to the folks at Fox for releasing them - I think it is set up like the WB Archives - 'on demand' DVDs... of the following films:
...yup, four GingerFilms heretofore NOT on DVD!!! The cool part about this is, Ginger made quite a few movies for Fox (eleven, to be exact - most of which are available on DVD...) - which of course, includes that ever elusive minx, Hat Check Girl...would be cool if they roll out a copy of HCG in this collection!  Heck, I'd LOVE a 'clean copy' of Broadway Bad, with Ginger and Joan Blondell...awesome if only for that fact!

HERE IS A LINK TO MOVIES UNLIMITED, WHO HAS THESE FOUR, AS WELL AS MANY OTHER GINGERFILMS AVAILABLE...sorry for shouting, but... hey, if ya can't shout about Ginger, what CAN you shout about, right? :-)

Well, I'm off to get these ordered...I actually have to wait a few days for new credit cards, as someone somewhere has our info and is trying to use our stuff...weird - second time that's happened in the last 3-4 months... oh well, good the credit card cats catch it before any big damage is done...

Y'all have a VERY Gingery weekend - a very FOXY Gingery weekend, that is!!!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

...odds and ends...

Hi, y'all!!! Just checking in before the weekend, which is to be devoted to Star of Midnight... seriously! I'm missing working on those things, and I think this one will be fun, cause...well...GINGER...duh... AND one of my fave actors, William Powell... so should make for some interesting work.  BTW, the pic above is not from SOM, but... no matter, right? :-p  ...I think this is from the 'Top Hat' promo pics... I would REEEEEALY like a 'big' pic of this one...

I was Googling Ginger the other day... yeah I said it :-) ... and, I ran across this article:

Ginger...Christina?, I see a bit of similarity, but... Aguilera looks more like Mae West to me... and check the replies below...dang, lots of potential G-ologists in that group...rock on!!!  ...but this DOES bring up a fair question... WHO could play Ginger in that film yet to be filmed, but would be great (if done correctly... much consultation will be needed with Gingerologists...we'll form a committee, y'all...)
Well, it's been quite cool 'settling in' over at's really what I was hoping it would be, a nice 'real time' chat for Gingerologists!  So, if you're not over there yet, jump in (it's free and easy... thus HueyApproved), so really no excuse not to...
Hope all are having a great week, and will partake in a MOST Gingery weekend!!!  - and, for those of y'all who see 'Gatsby', drop a note or post a review...I'm interested in how it is... thanks!

KIG, y'all!!!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

...Happy Cinco de Mayo, y'all!!! a quite young Ginger (BTW, smoking is VERY bad for you, young lady...) is in full Mexican mode here... this pic always reminds me of the Chapter in Ginger's bio (Chapter 39, to be exact) where she recounts her 'uncomfortable' day at the bullfights with gooberhead hub #4, Jacques Bergerac... it's one of the more 'lively' tales she tells - and suffice it to say, she was not a fan of this particular activity... Notwithstanding this, I hope everyone has a cool day... heck, at least chow down on some cool Tex-Mex food... that's my game plan, anyway...

As always...

